Measuring Change Facilitator Stages of Concern: A Manual for Use of the CFSoC Questionnaire

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Authors: Gene E. Hall, Beulah W. Newlove, Archie A. George, William L. Rutherford, Shirley M. Hord

Product ID: CBAM-11 Price: Available free online
• Published: 1991    • 76 pages   

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Following the successful development and widespread use of the original Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ), which was designed to assess the concerns of front-line users and nonusers of educational innovations, the researchers of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model developed the CFSoC Questionnaire. This measure is for use with change facilitators such as principals, staff developers, and teacher leaders. Those who facilitate the change process have concerns about their role that are identical in dynamics t those on the front-line, but the frame of reference is the role of change facilitation rather than "my" use of the innovation. The CFSoCQ has very strong statistical qualities and its design and uses are the same as with the original Stages of Concern Questionnaire.

Other CBAM Publications:

SEDL offers several publications so you can apply the CBAM when you introduce a new program, undertake research in a school setting, or launch an innovation in a school. The complete set of CBAM literature includes: To facilitate data collection and analysis, SEDL now offers an online version of The Stages of Concern Questionnaire.

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For more information on the CBAM tools please contact Garry Davis at 512-391-6617 or