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Reading Assessment Database: Search Results

The essential cognitive elements of the reading process have been outlined in the Cognitive Framework of Reading. To assist educators in organizing their assessment practices around the cognitive framework, we've created a way to easily search for published early reading assessments that specifically test skills and knowledge outlined by the Cognitive Framework of Reading.

To find out more about the Reading Assessment Database, you can read the overview page for a description of the database and tips for using it effectively.

You have just searched the Reading Assessment Database for Grades K-2 for published reading assessments. that test . There is 1 test that matches your search. Results are sorted by name.

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This Assessment has already been added to your clipboard. Developmental Reading Assessment, K-3 - 2nd Edition (DRA-2, K-3)

Author: Joetta M. Beaver
Date Published: 2006

To Purchase this assessment, you must contact the publisher.
Celebration Press -- Pearson Learning Group


Cost $310.95 for classroom kit
Time to administer Varies depending on level and passages read
Administration Individual
Grades K, 1, 2, 3
Cognitive elements
Reading Comprehension
Cipher Knowledge
Phoneme Awareness
Letter Knowledge
Semantics (Vocabulary and Morphology)
Phonological Awareness
Subtests and
skills assessed
Phonological Awareness — Through a variety of tasks, students must demonstrate awareness of rhyme, alliteration, and phoneme awareness.

Metalanguage — Students must demonstrate knowledge of the words used to talk about print language.

Letter/High-Frequency Words — Students must identify upper- and lower-case letters as well as graded lists of high-frequency "sight" words.

Phonics — Through a variety of tasks, students must correctly spell words, correctly identify words, and identify words that share certain characteristics with target words.

Structural Analysis and Syllabication — students must segment words into syllables, and must analyze word parts (prefix, suffix, etc.) to determine the meaning of a word.

Oral Reading Accuracy — As the student reads each passage of text aloud, the teacher makes notes of oral reading "miscues," categorizing each type of oral reading error.

Oral Reading Fluency — As the student reads each passage aloud, the teacher makes notes of oral reading rate and oral reading expression.

Oral Reading Comprehension — The teacher asks questions of the student and evaluates the quality of the student's response using a rubric. Questions reflect different types of comprehension skills (literal, interpretation, reflection, prediction, summarization, etc.)
Language(s) tool can
be administered in
English and Spanish
Score reporting
and test design data
This is a criterion-referenced assessment; no normative data is provided. Student scores are translated into reading level, and described in terms of Intervention, Instructional, Independent, and Advanced. Publishers report that research is being conducted to establish percentiles and stanines.
Notes A Spanish version of the DRA-2 is also available — the Evaluacion del Desarrollo de la Lectura (EDL). Also available for grades 4-8. Training DVDs are provided to help teachers learn how to administer the DRA-2. The Word Analysis tasks are intended to be given to students in kindergarten and beginning 1st grade, and to students who do not perform well on the passage reading tasks in grades 1-3. A Teacher Observation Guide is provided with this assessment to help teachers gather and organize information about student literacy behaviors. The publishers also provide an on-line data management system for the DRA-2. Instruction suggestions are provided to help teachers translate assessment data into instruction focused on student learning needs.

End of list. You may return to the Reading Assessment Database to search again.

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