Links to External Reading Resources
Early Reading Web Sites
The American Federation
of Teachers has collected several
interesting articles on early
literacy and published them on their Web site.
Also, the American Federation of Teachers has published
a short, but extremely informative booklet titled "Teaching
Reading IS Rocket Science." This valuable booklet can be downloaded free
of charge.
- The Big Ideas in Beginning
Reading Web site includes information on the five major components of beginning
reading instruction: phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, fluency, vocabulary,
and comprehension. The site provides information on curriculum, instruction, a
schoolwide reading model, and provides links and resources.
- The Florida Center for Reading Research is jointly
administered at Florida State University
by the Learning Systems Institute and the College of Arts and Sciences.
The center offers information and resources for teachers, instructional coaches,
administrators, parents, and researchers.
The International
Reading Association (IRA) is a professional organization devoted
to facilitating improvements in reading instruction.
First Process is a research-based, systematic, systemic and comprehensive
reform process that accelerates reading achievement of all students in
grades PreK to 12. Literacy First was founded in 1998 under the
guiding principle that all future learning stems from a strong
foundation in literacy; Literacy must come First. With this as
a mission, Literacy First set forth as a premiere provider of
professional development services for PreK-12 educators, delivering
the Literacy First Process, through a national network of reading
and leadership professionals—on site and real time. Their professional
development strategy focuses on enhancing teacher's knowledge-base, and
on developing systemic solutions to literacy instruction problems.
- The National Center for
Education Statistics contains demographic and descriptive data
about students in the United States. Here summaries of the
National Assessment
of Educational Progress (NAEP
report), comparative studies across countries, reports on violent
crime in our nation's schools, and other descriptive data can be found.
The information in this site is diverse and concise with a logical
- The National Reading Conference (NRC) is
an organization composed of individuals interested in reading research.
- The Reading
Genie is a concise, easy-to-understand synthesis of research findings
in reading acquisition, and an informative resource for tools and
classroom activities that teachers can use to teach reading-related
skills. In addition to describing research findings in both cognitive
psychology and reading instruction, particular topics, such as phonemic
awareness, blending skills, and oral reading fluency are addressed.
- The Reading First Support Web site
provides information about Reading First for teachers, principals, parents, state and
local education officials, and anyone with an interest in improving reading instruction
and increasing student achievement.
- Reading Rockets is a national multimedia
project offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many
struggle, and how caring adults can help.
The Reading Rockets project is comprised of PBS television programs, available on
videotape and DVD; online services, including the Web sites and;
and professional development opportunities. Reading Rockets is
an educational initiative of WETA, the flagship public television and radio station
in the nation's capital, and is funded by a major grant from the U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education Programs.
- The Success For
All Foundation (SFAF), formerly housed at Johns Hopkins University,
has become an independent not-for-profit organization. The SFAF
is devoted solely to the development and dissemination of Success
For All (SFA) and Roots & Wings education programs.
- The Texas Center for Reading
and Language Arts is committed to providing leadership to educators in effective
reading instruction through its diversified research, technical assistance, and professional
development projects. From translating research into practice to providing online
professional development, the Center emphasizes scientifically based reading research
and instruction.