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Reading Assessment Database: Search Results

The essential cognitive elements of the reading process have been outlined in the Cognitive Framework of Reading. To assist educators in organizing their assessment practices around the cognitive framework, we've created a way to easily search for published early reading assessments that specifically test skills and knowledge outlined by the Cognitive Framework of Reading.

To find out more about the Reading Assessment Database, you can read the overview page for a description of the database and tips for using it effectively.

You have just searched the Reading Assessment Database for Grades K-2 for published reading assessments. that test . There is 1 test that matches your search. Results are sorted by name.

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The RAD Clipboard - for keeping track of reading assessment tools you're interested in. The Reading Assessment Clipboard:
If you would like to keep track of reading assessments that interest you, you can add them to your "Assessment Clipboard" for later viewing and printing. You even have the option to e-mail the details about the assessments to yourself or others.

  • To view the clipboard, click on the large clipboard image to the right.
  • To add an assessment to the clipboard, click on the tiny clipboard next to the assessment name as seen in the list of assessments below.

This Assessment has already been added to your clipboard. Dominie Reading and Writing Assessment Portfolio (Revised)

Author: Diane DeFord
Date Published: 2004

To Purchase this assessment, you must contact the publisher.
Dominie Press -- Pearson Learning Group


Cost $242.95 for Grades K-3 and $172.50 for Grades 4-8
Time to administer Varies depending on grade and subtests given
Administration Individual or Small Groups
Grades K, 1, 2, 3, and higher
Cognitive elements
Cipher Knowledge
Phoneme Awareness
Letter Knowledge
Concepts About Print
Subtests and
skills assessed
Show Me the Book — Student must write his or her own name, and then must demonstrate knowledge of print conventions (e.g. point to a letter, point to a word, etc.). A rubric is provided for scoring the name writing. (Level K)

Oral Reading and Comprehension — Student must read accurately and fluently from passages of text. Guides are provided for observing and assessing the oral reading behavior of a student. (Level K, 1, 2, 3)

Phonemic Awareness — For half of the items, students must push up a coin with each sound (phoneme) they hear in a nonsense word (Elkonin Box Task). For the rest of the items, students must determine what word remains when a phoneme is deleted (e.g. delete /p/ from PART). (Level K, 1)

Inventory of Onsets and Rimes — Student must identify the appropriate phoneme that corresponds to each letter or letter cluster. (Level 1, 2, 3)

Reading Words from Lists — Student must correctly identify high-frequency words from graded lists. (Level K, 1, 2, 3)

Letter Knowledge — Student must correctly identify lower-case and upper-case letters. (Level K, 1)

Core Writing Words — Student must write all the words he or she can in 10 minutes. (Level K, 1)

Sentence Writing and Spelling — Students must write words and sentences from dictation, and must also produce appropriate sentences without dictation. (Level K, 1, 2, 3)
Language(s) tool can
be administered in
Score reporting
and test design data
Some subtests can be examined in relation to normative data. For those subtests, raw scores can be converted into stanines. For other subtests, criterion scores are provided.
Notes There are multiple versions of many subtests to allow for repeated assessment (Form A and B). Some of the reading passages are intended for informal follow-up and monitoring. A flow-chart of benchmark assessment and monitoring is provided. This assessment is also available for grades 4-8.

End of list. You may return to the Reading Assessment Database to search again.

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