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Reading Assessment Database: Search Results

The essential cognitive elements of the reading process have been outlined in the Cognitive Framework of Reading. To assist educators in organizing their assessment practices around the cognitive framework, we've created a way to easily search for published early reading assessments that specifically test skills and knowledge outlined by the Cognitive Framework of Reading.

To find out more about the Reading Assessment Database, you can read the overview page for a description of the database and tips for using it effectively.

You have just searched the Reading Assessment Database for Grades K-2 for published reading assessments. that test . There is 1 test that matches your search. Results are sorted by name.

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The RAD Clipboard - for keeping track of reading assessment tools you're interested in. The Reading Assessment Clipboard:
If you would like to keep track of reading assessments that interest you, you can add them to your "Assessment Clipboard" for later viewing and printing. You even have the option to e-mail the details about the assessments to yourself or others.

  • To view the clipboard, click on the large clipboard image to the right.
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This Assessment has already been added to your clipboard. Aprenda: La Preuba de Logros en Espanol - 3rd Edition

Author: Pearson Education, Inc.
Date Published: 2005

To Purchase this assessment, you must contact the publisher.
Pearson Education, Inc. Pid=aprenda3&Mode=summary


Cost $265.25 for the basic package
Time to administer Untimed with flexible guidelines
Administration Individual
Grades K, 1, 2, 3, and higher
Cognitive elements
Reading Comprehension
Language Comprehension
Semantics (Vocabulary and Morphology)
Subtests and
skills assessed
Sonidos y Letras — Students must match words based on initial and final phoneme, letter identification, letter sound correspondence, and identifying letters within words.

Lectura de Palabras — Students must match words with pictures and must also correctly identify written words.

Lectura de Oraciones — Students must read sentences and match them with the most appropriate picture.

Vocabulario — Students must match words based on meaning (synonyms), and they must define words in context.

Comprension de Lectura — Students must demonstrate reading comprehension through a variety of tasks (two-sentence stories, modified cloze tests, and comprehension questions).

Comprension Auditiva — Students must demonstrate oral language comprehension through tasks that include vocabulary knowledge, sentence comprehension, and story comprehension.

Ortografia — Students must demonstrate correct spelling knowledge by marking the misspelled words in sentences.
Language(s) tool can
be administered in
Score reporting
and test design data
Raw scores can be converted to scaled scores, national and local percentile ranks, stanines, grade equivalent scores, normal curve equivalent scores, Achievement/ability comparisons, group percentile ranks and stanines, content cluster and process cluster performance categories, p-Values, and performance standards. The Aprenda 3 offers newly developed , standards-based content that yields 2004 norm-referenced information and , as desired, customized, criterion-referenced information. This test was developed and normed in Spanish. This is a general battery of assessment tools; reading is only one part of this battery of tests. Other abilities measured are mathematics and language arts.
Notes There is a battery of 12 test levels that assesses students from kindergarten to grade 12. The two levels of Preprimario (Preprimer) assess the achievement of children in kindergarten and the first half of grade 1. The eight levels of Primario (Primary) and Intermedio (Intermediate) measure the important instructional standards of curricula from the second half of grade 1 to the end of grade 9. The two levels of Avanzado (Advanced) are intended for grades 9-12. In addition to the subtests listed above, this battery also contains an English as a Second Language assessment section (Lenguaje) and an open-ended response section.

End of list. You may return to the Reading Assessment Database to search again.

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