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Reading Assessment Database: Search Results

The essential cognitive elements of the reading process have been outlined in the Cognitive Framework of Reading. To assist educators in organizing their assessment practices around the cognitive framework, we've created a way to easily search for published early reading assessments that specifically test skills and knowledge outlined by the Cognitive Framework of Reading.

To find out more about the Reading Assessment Database, you can read the overview page for a description of the database and tips for using it effectively.

You have just searched the Reading Assessment Database for Grades K-2 for published reading assessments. that test . There is 1 test that matches your search. Results are sorted by name.

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This Assessment has already been added to your clipboard. Ekwall / Shanker Reading Inventory — 5th Edition (ESRI-5)

Author: James Shanker and Eldon Ekwall
Date Published: 2009

To Purchase this assessment, you must contact the publisher.
Pearson -- Allyn and Bacon
160 Gould st.
Needham Heights, MA 0219 ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0205388531&linkCode=as2&tag=s06c34-20


Cost $62.99
Time to administer Varies (20 - 30 minutes or more depending on assessment given)
Administration Individual
Grades 1, 2, 3, and higher
Cognitive elements
Reading Comprehension
Language Comprehension
Cipher Knowledge
Phoneme Awareness
Letter Knowledge
Concepts About Print
Phonological Awareness
Subtests and
skills assessed
San Diego Quick Assessment or Graded Word List — Student must correctly identify words from a graded word list.

Oral and silent reading — There are 4 passages at each level, Preprimer to Grade 9. Students must read aloud one passage, and read silently a second passage. The third and fourth passages are for re-testing at a later date. Oral reading accuracy, oral reading comprehension, and silent reading comprehension are monitored.

Listening comprehension — Teacher reads aloud passages of text at different levels of difficulty, and monitors comprehension with explicit comprehension questions.

Phonemic Awareness — Student must produce and recognize rhyming words, identify initial sounds (phonemes), identify segmented words (blending), and segment words (inserting a clear pause between each phoneme).

Concepts About Print — Student must demonstrate basic understanding of concepts about print mechanics (e.g. point to a word, point to a sentence, etc.)

Letter Knowledge — Student must find the letters on the page that the teacher dictates, and must also point to and identify each letter independently.

Sight Vocabulary — Student must correctly identify common words and phrases.

Phonics — Through a variety of tasks, students must demonstrate knowledge of applied phonics (reading a passage of text aloud), and letter-phoneme relationships (pointing to letters that correspond to certain phonemes).

Structural Analysis — Through a variety of tasks, students must demonstrate knowledge of word parts, inflectional endings, prefixes, suffixes, compound words, and syllabication.

Knowledge of Contractions — Student reads 48 common contractions and then identifies the words that the contraction stands for.

El Paso Phonics Survey — Student pronounces a letter, a rime, and then contracts the letter with the rime (e.g. P AM PAM).

Quick Word List Survey — Student must demonstrate sophisticated word-attack skills by pronouncing multi-syllabic, challenging nonsense words.
Language(s) tool can
be administered in

This is a reading assessment inventory — it is a collection of informal tests that assess a wide range of students' reading abilities. Depending on which tests are administered, these tests can be used as a quick screening device, for placement of students in groups or classes, for a brief assessment, or for a comprehensive individual diagnosis. Included as one of the assessments is a reading interest survey which measures motivation to read.


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