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Reading Assessment Database: Search Results

The essential cognitive elements of the reading process have been outlined in the Cognitive Framework of Reading. To assist educators in organizing their assessment practices around the cognitive framework, we've created a way to easily search for published early reading assessments that specifically test skills and knowledge outlined by the Cognitive Framework of Reading.

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This Assessment has already been added to your clipboard. Bader Reading and Language Inventory - 6th Edition

Author: Lois A. Bader
Date Published: 2009

To Purchase this assessment, you must contact the publisher.
Pearson Education -- Merrill Printice Hall
One Lake Street
Upper Saddle River, MN 07458


Cost $54.80 for graded reading passages and reproducible assessments
Time to administer Varies depending on subtests given
Administration Individual
Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, and higher
Cognitive elements
Reading Comprehension
Language Comprehension
Cipher Knowledge
Phoneme Awareness
Letter Knowledge
Concepts About Print
Phonological Awareness
Subtests and
skills assessed
Student Priorities and Interests — inventories and checklists are provided to help teachers determine reading habits and interests.

English Language Screen — a set of questions requiring simple responses to determine the student's comprehension of English.

Graded word lists — the student identifies lists of words increasing in difficulty from grades Pre-K to high school. Words are a mix of regular and irregular words that should be within the oral vocabulary of students at each grade.

Graded reading passages — at every level (K-12), there are three comparable passages of text. One is to be read aloud by the student, the second is to be read silently by the student, and the third is to be read aloud by the teacher to the student. As the student reads aloud, the teacher monitors oral reading for accuracy (making note of different types of "miscues"). After each passage, the teacher asks the student to retell the story, and also asks a set of simple, explicit comprehension questions plus one inferential (interpretive) comprehension question.

Rhyme Recognition — word pairs are presented orally to the student, and the student must decide if the word pairs rhyme.

Initial Phoneme Recognition — words are presented to the student, and the student must repeat the first phoneme in the word.

Phonemic Manipulation — two sections: in the blending section, the teacher says words aloud with a clear pause between each phoneme, and the student must identify the word. In the segmentation section, the teacher says a word, and the student must repeat the word inserting a clear pause between each phoneme.

Letter Knowledge — the student must demonstrate knowledge of upper-case and lower-case letters in three different ways: by pointing to the correct letter from a set of all letters when the teacher provides the name, by providing the name when the teacher points to each letter, and by writing the correct letters when the teacher reads them aloud.

Hearing Letter Names in Words — twelve words with initial phonemes that sound like letter names (e.g. X-ray and deep) are read aloud to the student, and the student must identify the letter name at the beginning of the word.

Initial Consonant Phonics — a variety of words are presented with the same ending letters (OP) but with different first letters (e.g. ZOP, MOP, FOP). The student must correctly pronounce each word.

Initial Consonant Blend Phonics — same as previous subtest, but initial consonant blends are varied (e.g. STOP, FROP, PLOP)

Initial Consonant Digraphs — same as previous subtest, but initial consonant digraphs are varied (e.g. THOP, WHOP, PHOP)

Medial Vowel Phonics — same as previous, but the medial vowel is varied while the rest of the word remains the same (e.g. FAP, FEP, FOP)

Vowel Digraph Phonics — vowel digraphs vary and the rest of the word varies, too (e.g. SOOK, TEW, AUT)

Reversals — reversible words are given (e.g. PAL, TEN, WAS), and the student is asked to read them aloud correctly and quickly.

Structural Analysis — students read lists of nonsense words with real affixes aloud. Students also read compound words aloud.

Spelling — various lists emphasizing different spelling conventions are given to the students to spell

Visual Discrimination — students must match identical letters, words, and phrases

Auditory Discrimination — students must determine if two words read aloud to them are identical or different (e.g. BUS-BUS versus ROPE-RAP)

Literacy Concepts — student demonstrates basic knowledge of print concepts

Syntax (Word) Matching — the teacher reads a sentence repeatedly to a student, and then points to one word in the sentence. The student must determine what word the teacher is pointing to.

Semantics Cloze Tasks — a passage with words missing is read aloud to the student. For each missing word in the passage, the student must provide a semantically and syntactically reasonable word.

Grammatical Closure — students must complete sentences with grammatically correct words (e.g. I saw one man. Then I saw three _____.)
Language(s) tool can
be administered in
Score reporting
and test design data
This is a criterion referenced test; no normative data is presented.
Notes This is a collection of assessment tools, and the skills measured depend on the assessment given. Checklists for writing and oral language competence are also provided, as are summary sheets for organizing assessment information.

End of list. You may return to the Reading Assessment Database to search again.

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