Instructor's Guides to the Afterschool Training Toolkit
Instructor's guides are available for all six content areas of the toolkit: literacy, math, science, homework help, technology, and the arts.
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Used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit, these guides give afterschool instructors the resources they need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching activities that engage students, extend their knowledge in new ways, and support academic achievement.
Afterschool instructors can use the guides independently or site coordinators or program directors can lead their staff through activities and sample lessons.
How It Works
These resources help afterschool instructors learn to use the Afterschool Training Toolkit to
- understand the role of academic content in afterschool,
- watch video clips of real afterschool programs using promising practices from the Afterschool Training Toolkit,
- teach sample lessons included in the instructor's guide, and
- reflect on the teaching of sample lessons to become more effective afterschool instructors.