Arts in Afterschool: An Instructor's Guide to the Afterschool Training Toolkit
Authors: Suzanne Stiegelbauer (contributor), Jennifer Bransom (contributor), Tonyamas Moore (contributor), Laura Orange (contributor), Gigi Antoni (contributor), Laura Shankland, Deborah Donnelly, Catherine Jordan
Price: $17.99 from |
Available online: PDF
The six promising practices in afterschool for the arts identified in the Afterschool Training Toolkit are as follows:
- Building Skills in the Arts
- Expressing Yourself Through the Arts
- Making Connections to History and Culture
- Thinking and Talking About Works of Art
- Integrating the Arts With Other Subjects
- Involving Families and Communities
When used with the Afterschool Training Toolkit, the lessons in this instructor’s guide will help you master these promising practices. Once you become proficient at these practices, you should be able to use them to develop other arts lessons.
This instructor’s guide will help you
- understand how to use the arts section of the Afterschool Training Toolkit;
- use the arts to offer fun lessons that help students learn in afterschool;
- motivate students to participate in afterschool; and
- use the lessons to become a more effective afterschool instructor.
Instructor's Guides are available are available for 7 subjects:
Arts | Homework | Literacy | Literacy - Read Aloud's | Math | Science | Technology
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