SEDL to Begin Two New Randomized Controlled Trials
Everyday Mathematics

SEDL is conducting a national, large-scale randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of McGraw-Hill Education's Everyday Mathematics, a curriculum for students in preK through sixth grade. In partnership with other nationally recognized researchers, SEDL will conduct a rigorous study of Everyday Mathematics to determine whether the curriculum affects student math achievement over 3 school years. Researchers will also investigate whether the effects of the program vary significantly for particular students, schools, and districts across the United States.
Louisiana Striving Readers
In October, SEDL began a 4-year independent evaluation of the Voyager Passport Reading Journeys program with striving adolescent readers in Louisiana. The state was one of eight to receive a Striving Readers grant from the U.S. Department of Education through the latest competition. The Striving Readers program targets adolescents who are reading 2 or more years below grade level. In addition, the program seeks to build the research base by identifying the best strategies for increasing adolescent literacy. Passport Reading Journeys is a supplemental reading program developed by Voyager Expanded Learning, Inc., and now owned by Cambium Learning Group, Inc.
Under the Striving Readers grant, Louisiana will introduce Passport Reading Journeys to approximately 1,400 students in grades 6 and 7 in 10 middle schools across 4 districts. SEDL's study will evaluate whether students using the curriculum show greater advances in reading than students who participate in other elective course offerings. In addition, SEDL will evaluate whether the program's impact varies according to factors such as students' grade, gender, race/ethnicity, and reading level.
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