
Picture of Publication Cover

Author: Laura Shankland (editor)

Price: Available free online
• Published: 2008   

Available online: Full text

AfterWords was a monthly e-newsletter published by the National Center for Quality Afterschool from Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2008. The award-winning newsletter provided up-to-date research on high-quality afterschool and expanded learning practices and methods that instructors and site coordinators could use to implement the practices in their own programs.

Each issue of AfterWords included the following features:
  • Afterschool News: A summary of current afterschool issues
  • Stories From the Field: A profile of one of the high-quality afterschool programs that the National Partnership has visited
  • In Your Words: A monthly survey and your responses
  • Teaching Tip: Advice on how to improve your afterschool program based on our own research
  • Calendar and Announcements: News about afterschool events and other items of interest to the afterschool community

Past Editions