by Diane Pan

Examples of Teacher Compensation Programs

  Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) New Mexico Three-Tiered Licensure System Denver ProComp
Goal To increase student learning through quality teaching To link teachers’ licensure levels and salaries to the work teachers accomplish in the classroom To link teacher pay to instruction to improve student achievement
Implementation 100 U.S. schools in 11 states All New Mexico public schools All Denver public schools
1. Multiple career paths
2. Instructionally-focused accountability
3. Ongoing, applied professional growth
4. Performance-based compensation
1. Multiple licensure levels
2. Evidence-based teacher evaluation system
3. Ongoing professional development in nine teaching competency areas
4. Classroom performance
1. Professional evaluation
2. Ongoing knowledge and skills growth
3. Student growth
Web site

Next Page: At A Glance

Published in Insights on Educational Policy, Practice, and Research Number 19, February 2006, Getting Smart About Teacher Pay