Staff Professional Development Sessions: Science
Integrating Reading, Technology, and Inquiry-Based Science in Afterschool Programs
This hands-on session emphasizes the use of science trade books and probeware, such as temperature and pH sensors, to provide a rich learning environment for students. Probeware allows students to engage in science inquiry, design experiments, collect and analyze data, and share results with others. In addition to discussing how to encourage students to participate in experiments, a discussion of Dinah Zike's Foldables (graphic 3D organizers) that help student learn science terminology and concepts presented in trade books will be held.
Can We Do Science Today? Afterschool Inquiry
Science learning is often neglected in struggling schools, and afterschool programs can be a significant venue for student inquiry, especially when activities lead to science fair projects. Why's, how-to's, and resources will help you guide and strengthen your students' inquiry and analysis skills through science fair projects.
Ready to Learn?
Contact us to discuss your professional development needs and how the Center can assist you.