Staff Professional Development Sessions: Equity
Working with Afterschool Programs in Poverty
Schools say they hold high expectations for all students, but do they really? There are educational myths relating to poverty and a student's performance and ability. Many times these myths translate into factors that influence expectations for students. This session presents information and research about expectations and educational strategies for children in poverty. Participants interact with each other and develop ideas they can use in their afterschool programs.
Bringing Calm into the Program: Strategies for Managing Diverse Student Populations
Hard-to-reach students are not those who misbehave occasionally. They are the truly difficult students who engage in disruptive behavior often and with intensity. This session deals with techniques and strategies participants can use in their afterschool program. They will learn interventions to limit confrontation as well as steps to defuse oppositional and controlling behaviors.
Ready to Learn?
Contact us to discuss your professional development needs and how the Center can assist you.