The National Center for Quality Afterschool

Helping local practitioners and state education agencies develop high-quality and balanced programs

About the Center

Afterschool Lesson Plan Database

Lessons That Engage Children and Enrich Learning

Welcome to the afterschool lesson plan database! This database is populated with lesson plans from the Afterschool Training Toolkit.

Sample Lesson Plans from Each Subject Area

Subject Grade Span Lesson Title
Art 4 to 12 Dance: Personal Soundtracks
Literacy 6 to 8 Who Am I Without Him?
Math K to 3 Measurement: Crafts: Cereal Hands and Feet
Science 3 to 5 Physical Science: Festival of Bubbles
Technology 1 to 12 sample video availableDigital Storytelling

Online Training for Afterschool Staff
The Afterschool Training Toolkit is available online free of charge.

The following resources can be used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit to give you the resources you need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching afterschool activities.