Paso Partners - Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Language: An Instructional Program Purchase a print copy of Paso Partners
Introduction Grade K Lessons Grade 1 Lessons Grade 2 Lessons Grade 3 Lessons Bibliography
Table of Contents
Lesson Overview
Teacher Background Information
Lesson Focus
Objective Grid
Lesson 1: The Five Senses
Lesson 2: Sight
Lesson 3: Hearing
Lesson 4: Touch
Lesson 5: Smell
Lesson 6: Taste
Lesson 7: Altogether, Now
Spanish Language Translations

The Five Senses - References

Annotated Children's Books

Aliki. (1962). My five senses. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.
This book gives a good overview of the five senses and explains that sometimes we use just one or two senses, sometimes all five.

Brenner, B. (1977). Caras. New York: E. P. Dutton.
Photographs show the reaction of the senses to both pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.

Broekel, R. (1988). Tus cinco sentidos. Chicago: Children's Press.
The book explores the five senses through photographs and answers questions posed by the author.

Larreula, E. (1984). El país de los cinco sentidos. Madrid: Editorial Teide, S.A.
In this fantasy world all senses are separate and only one sensation can be experienced at a time. The senses unite and become what we are today.

Murphy, C. (1986). Tus sentidos. Boston: Editorial Norma, S.A.
This pop-up book of the senses describes the location of each of the senses and how each helps us know our world.

Radlauer, R. S., & Perez, W. (1960). About four seasons and five senses. Chicago: Melmont Publishers.
This volume contains many illustrations. The text for each subsection is followed by an open-ended question.

Sands, S. (1991). Kids Discover: The five senses. New York: Kids Discover, 1(3).
This magazine issue discusses each sense separately with diagrams, photos and pictures. It also stresses the need for using all five senses in experiencing life.

Tymme, J. (1978). I like to see: A book of the five senses. Racine, WI: Western Publishing Company.


Brown, M. (1979). Arthur's eyes. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Arthur's friends tease him when he gets glasses, but he soon learns to wear them with pride.

Flores, R. (1979). Caracolitos: Ojitos. Oklahoma City: Economy Company.
Carlota meets an octopus with eight eyes that tells how he sees different things with each eye.

García Sánchez, J. L. (1978). El niño que tenía dos ojos. Madrid: Ediciones Altea.
This is the beautiful story of a boy born with two eyes on a planet where all inhabitants have one eye. He learns to overcome his "defect" and lives a full life.

Holt, J. (1977). All eyes. Oklahoma City: The Economy Company.
Jana meets an octopus with eight eyes that tells how he sees different things with each eye.

Martin, B. Jr. (1970). Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
A predictable rhyming book that explores sight, colors, animals, etc., in an entertaining manner.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. rron's Educational Series.
This book explores, through beautiful illustrations, the wonders of our sense of sight.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & J. J. Puig. (1985). The five senses: Sight. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series. (Translated from Spanish: La vista)
A short scientific explanation of our sense of sight, with a diagram of the eye.

Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Sorms, R. S. (1988). Colección mil preguntas: Viendo. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sigmar.
The sense of sight is explored through questions and answers with interesting explanations and illustrations.

Williams, L. (1985). ¿Qué hay detrás el árbol? Madrid: Ediciones Hymsa.
Before discovering the truth, two children allow their imagination to run freely as they try to guess what could possible be behind a tree.


Alexander, M. (1978). Pigs say oink: The first book of sounds. New York: Random House.

Cole, J. W., & Welch, K. (1977). All ears. Oklahoma City: The Economy Company.
Rena and Nathan meet Listen Bug, an insect that helps them become aware of sounds they had never stopped to listen to.

Colección Piñata: Sonidos y ritmos. (1985). Mexico: Patria.
This book explores the wonders of sound.

Flores, R. (1979). Caracolitos: Escucha. Oklahoma City: The Economy Company.
Nora and Gabriel meet Escuchi, a small animal that helps them become aware of sounds they had never stopped to listen to.

Gerson, S. (1987). La orquesta. México: Editorial Trillas, S.A.
While listening to the instruments play, a cat and mouse become music lovers, not enemies.

Knight, D. (1988). Colección quiero conocer: El mundo del sonido. Mexico: Sistemas Técnicas de Edición, S.A. de C.V.
Experiments and colorful illustrations are used to explore sound.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M. & Puig, J. J. (1983). El oído. Woodbury, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
This book illustrates the most enjoyable sounds in the world.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). The five senses: Hearing. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
A short scientific explanation of our sense of hearing, with a diagram of the ear.

de Podendorf, I. (1979). Sonidos. Chicago: National Textbook Company.
This is an interesting presentation of sounds and how they are a part of our daily lives.

Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Colección mil preguntas: Oyendo. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sigmar.
The sense of hearing is explored through questions and answers with interesting explanations and illustrations.

Smith, K. B., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Hearing. New Jersey: Troll Associates.
Questions and answers provide basic information about hearing and the ear.

Wolf, B. (1979). Ana y su mundo de silencio. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.<>br This is a true story of Ana's daily life experiences as a deaf child.

Wood, N., Rye, J. (1991). Listen...What do you hear? New York: Troll Associates.
Discusses the phenomenon of sound, how it varies in volume and pitch, how it travels and how it is perceived by the ear.


Aliki. (1962). My hands. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.
Describes the parts of the hand and all the things our hands help us to do.

Brighton, C. (1984). My hands, my world. New York: MacMillan Publishers.

Cole, J. W., & Welch, K. (1977). Toco Toucán's touch book. Oklahoma City: Economy Company.
Toco Toucán introduces us to the world of touch.

El rey Midas. (1980). Madrid: Editors S. A.
This is the classical story of King Midas.

Flores, R. (1979). Caracolitos: El libro de Toco el toucán. Oklahoma: The Economy Company.
Toco the toucan explores the world of touch.

Goor, R., & N. (1984). All kinds of feet. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.
Presents the different types of feet found in the animal kingdom in the text and photos.

Kline, S. (1985). Don't touch. Chicago: Albert Whitman & Company.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). El tacto. Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series.
This book illustrates and describes the different textures we find in the world.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). The five senses: Touch. Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series.
A short scientific explanation of our sense of touch, including a diagram of the skin.

Smith, K. B., Crenson, V. & Storms, R. S. (1988). Colección mil preguntas: Tocando. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sigmar.
The sense of touch is explored through questions and answers with interesting explanations and illustrations.

Wood, N., & Willey, L. (1991). Touch...What do you feel? Mahwah: NJ: Troll Associates.
Explores the world of touch, examining how it works and what it tell us about our surroundings.


Allington, R., L., Cowles, K., & Thrun, R. (1980). Smelling. Milwaukee: Raintree Children's Books Publishers.

Brown, M. T. (1976). Arthur's nose. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Unhappy with his nose, Arthur visits the rhinologist to get a new one.

Cole, J. W., & Welch, K. (1977). My nose knows. Oklahoma City: Economy Company.
Sniffwell is told that his nose is for smelling, and he learns to enjoy the smells found in his environment.

Flores, R. (1979). Caracolitos: La nariz de Pepito. Oklahoma City: The Economy Company.
Mother rabbit tells Pepito that his nose is for smelling and he learns to enjoy many smells.

Leaf, M. (1962). El cuento de Ferdinando. New York: Scholastic.
Ferdinando, unlike other bulls, prefers to sit and smell the flowers, rather than display his strength and ferociousness.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). El olfato. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
This book vividly illustrates the most memorable smells in life.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). The five senses: Smell. Hauppauge: NY: Barron's Educational Series.
A short scientific explanation of our sense of smell, with a diagram of the nose.

Pluckrose, H. A., & Fairclough, C. (1986). Smelling. New York: Franklin Watts.

Smith, K., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Colección mil preguntas: Oliendo. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sigmar.
The sense of smell is explored through questions and answers with interesting explanations and illustrations.


Flores, R. (1979). Caracolitos: Lo sabroso sabrosito. Oklahoma City: The Economy Company.
All of the different tastes that our tongues can distinguish are depicted with illustrations of children and food.

Lasa, M. (1988). Voy a cocinar. México: Sistemas Técnicas de Edición, S.A. de C.V.
This recipe book for children has recipes that are culturally appealing.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). El gusto. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
This book beautifully illustrates all the different tastes.

Rius, M., Parramón, J. M., & Puig, J. J. (1985). The five senses: Taste. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
A short scientific explanation of our sense of taste.

Smith, K., Crenson, V., & Storms, R. S. (1988). Colección mil preguntas: Gustando. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sigmar.
The sense of taste is explored through questions and answers with interesting explanations and illustrations.

Vallarta Velez, L. (1983). Colección Piñata: El azúcar. (1985). México: Patria.
Everything about sugar is explored through beautiful illustrations depicting Mexican society.

Vallarta Velez, L. (1983). Colección Piñata: El chocolate. (1985). México: Patria.
Interesting facts are presented about the origin and the characteristics of chocolate with illustrations depicting Mexican society.

Teacher Resources

Abruscato, J., Fossaceca, J. W., Hassard, J., & Peck, D. (1984). Holt science. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Poppe, C. A., & Van Matre, N. A. (1985). Science learning centers for the primary grades. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education.

Trostle, S. L., & Yawkey, T. D. (1990). Integrated learning activities for young children (Getting Started). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

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