Paso Partners - Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Language: An Instructional Program Purchase a print copy of Paso Partners
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Table of Contents
Lesson Overview
Teacher Background Information
Lesson Focus
Objective Grid
Lesson 1: The Five Senses
Lesson 2: Sight
Lesson 3: Hearing
Lesson 4: Touch
Lesson 5: Smell
Lesson 6: Taste
Lesson 7: Altogether, Now
-We Need Five Senses
-All Five
Spanish Language Translations

The Five Senses - Lesson 7: Altogether, Now

BIG IDEAS: We learn best about our world when we use our five senses at the same time.

On this page
- Encountering the Idea
- Exploring the Idea
- Getting the Idea
- Organizing the Idea
- Applying the Idea
- Closure and Assessment
- List of Activities for this Lesson

Encountering the Idea

Begin the lesson by giving each student a peanut. Ask the students to describe the peanut to the class. If they do not report on all of these observations ask: How does it look? How does it feel? How does it smell? Sound? The students crack open the peanut. Repeat the questions. The students taste the peanuts. The students dictate simple sentences and an experience with peanuts. Write the relevant words on a chart for later use at the Writing Center.

Tell the students that in the centers they will work with all the five senses to see how the senses work together to give us more information than is available when we use only one sense.

Exploring the Idea

At the Science Center, students label each of five boxes with the name one sense. Several objects such as an alarm clock, a telephone, peanuts, a picture of a television, a bell, a whistle, etc. are sorted by one sense used with these objects. The categories will vary among students. Discuss how we often use more than one sense when using objects and classifying them.

Student complete Activity - We Need Five Senses.

Students complete Activity - All Five.

At the Mathematics Center, students working in groups of four receive a small package of candy. Students describe what they see; estimate how many candies are in the package; smell the package and describe the smells. They graph the class favorite; first based on sight (do not open wrapped candies), second on smell (smell unwrapped candies). After opening the package, count the pieces to check the number estimates. Then students taste the candy and graph their favorite.

At the Writing Center:

  1. Students write about their experiences with food as a story with the title "Foods That Taste Better Than They Look" or about "Foods That Look Better Than They Taste."
  2. The students write and complete frame sentences such as:
    I can (smell) a peanut and I can (taste) a peanut.
    I can (feel) a flower, and I can (smell) a flower.
    I can (smell) a (pizza). But I can't (smell) a (glass of water).
    I can (feel) air, but I can't (smell) it.

At the Drama Center, in an oral presentation, students try to persuade the rest of the class to try their favorite fruit in a different manner. Examples: putting red pepper on an orange; eating bananas with peanut butter and mayonnaise in a sandwich.

Getting the Idea

Read and discuss the book El País de los Cinco Sentidos by E. Larruela.

Organizing the Idea

1. Students draw or cut out pictures showing people using more than one sense. Students tell what senses the pictured people are using. How many pictures could students find for each sense?
2. Student compile completed work into a class Big Book.

Applying the Idea

Problem Solving
Working in pairs or in small groups, students show with two-color counters that 0 plus five and five plus zero are other names for five. Can they show another name for four? Another name for zero?

Closure and Assessment

Oral Assessment

  1. How can we identify each fruit without looking?
  2. Can you feel color? Smell it? Hear it?
  3. Can you feel light? Smell it? Hear it? Taste it?
  4. Can you feel a star? Hear it?
  5. What are the five senses?
  6. Why is it important to use all five senses?
  7. What would happen to someone who didn't have all five senses? Why? Can a person substitute one sense for another?
  8. Is it easier or harder to live without all five of the senses? Why?
  9. What part of our body do we use for the sense of sight? Hearing? Touch? Smell? Taste?

Performance Assessment
Show all the different names for five.

List of Activities for this Lesson

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