Annotated Bibliography of Resources for Educational Reform, Coherent Teaching Practice, and Improved Student Learning
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Johnson, M. J., & Button, K. (1998). Action research paves the way for continuous improvement. Journal of Staff Development, 19 (1), 48-51.
In a graduate course, teachers conducted action research projects that impacted their professional development and the school culture. The course was conducted on the school site and included teachers from the site. The teachers selected projects based on their own concerns. Seminar topics were generated from the teachers' practices. Teachers felt empowered from engaging in a dialogue with colleagues who were part of their teaching environment and felt they belonged to the group of educational researchers. When asked how they changed as teachers, they reported needing to know why they were using a particular teaching strategy or book. The culture of isolation was broken down as a result of the teachers' action research projects and the seminars. Suggestions for action research include inviting teachers to read about education literature, using teaching dilemmas to identify action research topics, arranging action research projects that are ongoing and long term, encouraging connections between universities and school faculty members, and finding ways for teacher researchers to share their work.
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