SEDL Insights, Vol. 1, No. 3: Increasing the Effectiveness of Literacy Coaches
Authors: Ramona Chauvin, Kathleen Theodore
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Classroom teachers are instrumental in student reading success. As more states adopt college- and career-ready standards that require teachers of all core content areas to teach students to access information from a variety of texts, the importance of reading instruction continues to grow. At the same time, providing high-quality professional development for all teachers can pose financial and logistical challenges for school districts. Many districts turn to literacy coaches to deliver professional development, follow-up, and support in implementing evidence-based instructional practices and programs. While literacy coaches offer an effective job-embedded professional learning mechanism for teachers, districts should also provide professional development opportunities for literacy coaches This issue of SEDL Insights how education leaders can help literacy coaches have the greatest impact at their schools.
SEDL Insights on Supporting the Professional Development of Literacy Coaches
- Expand pedagogical and content expertise in the school context.
- Use adult learning theories.
- Promote collaboration and co-learning.
- Focus on data-driven instruction and student learning.
- Create the vision for being a change agent.