A Toolkit for Title I Parental Involvement
This toolkit is designed to provide information to those who are implementing Title I Part A parental involvement provisions. By using these tools, you can increase the "transparency" for parental involvement in children's education.
The toolkit provides two types of information:
- Explanations for Title I, Part A notification and involvement provisions—This text describes the actions and processes that State Education Agencies (SEAs), Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and schools must take to meet the provisions of Title I, Part A.
- Possible tools—These tools provide examples of information sheets, checklists, letters, surveys, and other resources SEAs, LEAs, and schools use to assist them in implementing Title I, Part A notification and involvement provisions
In this toolkit, SEDL provides detailed explanations of the Title I, Part A parental involvement provisions as well as thirty-three tools to assist state departments of education, districts, and schools in meeting these requirements. Both the explanations and the tools are designed to help educators increase parental involvement and provide opportunities for parents to engage in and support their children's academic achievement. The toolkit includes information on the following topics:
- Policy, Planning, and Building Capacity
- Communication, Notification, Reporting, and Information Sharing
- Parent Rights and Options
- Meaningful Involvement and Decision Making
- Fund Allocation
Tools are available for each of the topics listed above. See the Table of Contents for more details.
The toolkit was prepared by SEDL program associate Chris Ferguson under a contract with Windwalker Corporation located in Washington D.C. for the U.S. Department of Education Contract No. ED-04-CO-0084/0003.
This toolkit is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be as follows: Ferguson, C. (2009). A Toolkit for Title I Parental Involvement. Austin, TX: SEDL.