The National Center for Quality Afterschool

Helping local practitioners and state education agencies develop high-quality and balanced programs

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Afterschool Lesson Plan Database

Lesson Plan

Tutoring 4: Learning to Make Line Graphs
Subject: Science
Grade span: 5 to 10
Duration: Two 45-minute sessions
Series: Part 4 in the series Graphs.
This lesson was excerpted from the Afterschool Training Toolkit under the promising practice: Tutoring to Enhance Science Skills


This lesson is one example of how you can implement the practice of Tutoring to Enhance Science Skills. In this activity, students take the results, or data, from different experiments and learn to make line graphs.


This is the last lesson in a series. Start with Interpreting Data from Birdfeeders, then Learning to Make Data Tables. You may want to review Learning to Make Bar Graphs if you feel it would help students understand line graphs.

Learning Goals:



  1. Connect with the school-day teacher to review students' needs.
  2. Review the lesson, printouts, and Tips for Tutoring Students in Science (PDF).
  3. Print all of the PDFs for this lesson. If you are working with more than one student, make copies as needed.
Safety Considerations Safety Considerations:
There are no safety precautions for this lesson. However, if simple experiments are conducted in expanding this lesson, follow appropriate safety precautions such as using goggles or safety spectacles.

What to Do:

Evaluate (Outcomes to look for):

Click this link to see additional learning goals, grade-level benchmarks, and standards covered in this lesson.

Learn More:

Learn more about the 5Es.
Online Training for Afterschool Staff
The Afterschool Training Toolkit is available online free of charge.

The following resources can be used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit to give you the resources you need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching afterschool activities.