The National Center for Quality Afterschool

Helping local practitioners and state education agencies develop high-quality and balanced programs

About the Center

Afterschool Lesson Plan Database

List of Art Lesson Plans

Don't miss our other resources in the Art subject area.
In addition to lesson plans, the Center has other resources in the Art subject area, including: the Afterschool Training Toolkit: Art.

Browse Art Lesson Plans

Displaying 23 Art lesson plans sorted by Date Added, then by Lesson Title.

Subject Grade Span Lesson Title
Art 5 to 12 Dance: Telling a Story Through Dance
Art 3 to 12 Visual Arts: Art in Public Places
Art 3 to 12 Visual Arts: Symbols That Stand for You!
Art 4 to 8 Dance: African Drumming
Art K to 3 Dance: Cultural Dance Festival
Art 6 to 8 Dance: Dance Around the World
Art K to 3 Dance: Emotions in Motion
Art 4 to 12 Dance: Personal Soundtracks
Art 4 to 12 Dance: The 'language of dance'
Art K to 3 Music: Cultural Music Festival
Art K to 3 Music: Found-Object Orchestra
Art 3 to 12 Music: Music in Nature
Art 1 to 6 Theatre: Create a Script
Art 6 to 12 Theatre: Meaningful Monologues
Art 3 to 8 Theatre: Oral Traditions
Art 4 to 12 Theatre: Persuasive Explorers
Art 9 to 12 Theatre: The Critic's Review
Art K to 3 Theatre: Theatrical Economics
Art 5 to 12 Visual Arts: 3-D Self-Sculpture
Art 2 to 8 Visual Arts: Mexican Indian Yarn Painting
Art 4 to 6 Visual Arts: Planetary Travel Brochure
Art 2 to 8 Visual Arts: Quilting the Past and Present
Art 9 to 12 Visual Arts: The Art of Exhibition

Online Training for Afterschool Staff
The Afterschool Training Toolkit is available online free of charge.

The following resources can be used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit to give you the resources you need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching afterschool activities.