Spiders - Lesson 2: Spiders Have Special Characteristics
ACTIVITY: Edible Spiders
Students learn the parts of a spider by making cookies in the shape of a spider;
they label the parts.
- 3 cups peanut butter
- 3 cups honey
- 4 cups powdered milk
- 3 cups powdered sugar
- Box of raisins
- Mix the ingredients (except raisins) together in a large bowl.
- Shape the dough into two shapes for the head (smaller oval shape) and the
abdomen (the larger, longer shape).
- Use raisins or mini-M&Ms for the eyes (spiders can have many eyes).
- Use pipe cleaners or licorice cut into eight lengths that are proportional to the body
of the spider to represent the legs.
- The students label or point to the various parts of the spider's body.
- There is no cooking necessary!! The spiders are ready to eat.