Dinosaurs - Lesson 6: The Dinosaur's Life Cycle
ACTIVITY: Dinosaur Eggs
Students complete the jigsaw puzzles they make themselves; students can
say that an egg shape is also called an "oval"; students count eggs through the
number eight, or other.
- Manila folder stapled at the sides to keep contents from spilling
- Label folder "Dinosaur Eggs" and/or "Dinosaurs Laid Eggs"
- Construction paper for children to make "dinosaur eggs"
- Scissors and glue
- Crayons to color the nest and eggs
- "Egg" jigsaw puzzles for children to match (two, three per child)
- Cards with one numeral: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six , seven, or
eight written on each
- Using the jigsaw puzzle pieces, children match them to make the eggs.
- Students place and glue the completed puzzles on a nest that has been drawn on
a piece of paper.
- Using one of the completed eggs as a pattern, the students trace the egg shape
until they have eight eggs (or any other number selected) drawn on a sheet of
paper; they color, write names, etc., on the eggs. They draw an imagined baby
dinosaur after it has hatched.
- Students trace and cut out their own egg shapes into puzzle parts and have
other students complete the puzzle.
- After the students have completed the egg puzzles, they draw a container,
simulating a nest, to place the eggs in and make sets of one through 10 (or any
number selected) eggs.
- The students place the correct numeral card on each set, and a student's
partner checks.
- They also place the numeral card with 0 on the empty nest.