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Table of Contents
Lesson Overview
Teacher Background Information
Lesson Focus
Objective Grid
Lesson 1: Long Ago
Lesson 2: Extinction
Lesson 3: Fossils
Lesson 4: Types of Dinosaurs
Lesson 5: Meat and Plant Eaters
Lesson 6: The Dinosaur's Life Cycle
-Dinosaur Eggs
-Baby Dinosaur
-Dinosaur Weapons
-Shake and Spill
Lesson 7: Nature and Change
Spanish Language Translations

Dinosaurs - Lesson 6: The Dinosaur's Life Cycle
ACTIVITY: Dinosaur Eggs

Students complete the jigsaw puzzles they make themselves; students can say that an egg shape is also called an "oval"; students count eggs through the number eight, or other.


  • Manila folder stapled at the sides to keep contents from spilling
  • Label folder "Dinosaur Eggs" and/or "Dinosaurs Laid Eggs"
  • Construction paper for children to make "dinosaur eggs"
  • Scissors and glue
  • Crayons to color the nest and eggs
  • "Egg" jigsaw puzzles for children to match (two, three per child)
  • Cards with one numeral: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six , seven, or eight written on each
  1. Using the jigsaw puzzle pieces, children match them to make the eggs.
  2. Students place and glue the completed puzzles on a nest that has been drawn on a piece of paper.
  3. Using one of the completed eggs as a pattern, the students trace the egg shape until they have eight eggs (or any other number selected) drawn on a sheet of paper; they color, write names, etc., on the eggs. They draw an imagined baby dinosaur after it has hatched.
  4. Students trace and cut out their own egg shapes into puzzle parts and have other students complete the puzzle.
  5. After the students have completed the egg puzzles, they draw a container, simulating a nest, to place the eggs in and make sets of one through 10 (or any number selected) eggs.
  6. The students place the correct numeral card on each set, and a student's partner checks.
  7. They also place the numeral card with 0 on the empty nest.
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