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About Classroom Compass

Classroom Compass is a publication of the Eisenhower Southwest Consortium for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science Teaching (SCIMAST) project, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education under grant number R168R50027-95. The content herein does not necessarily reflect the views of the department or any other agency of the U.S. government. Classroom Compass is distributed free of charge to public and private schools in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas to support improved teaching of mathematics and science. The Eisenhower SCIMAST project is located in the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) at 211 East Seventh Street, Austin, Texas 78701; (512) 476-6861/800-201-7435. SEDL is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and is committed to affording equal employment opportunities to all individuals in all employment matters.

Associate editor: Mary Jo Powell. Publication design: Jane Thurmond, Tree Studio. Online design and sound production: Chris Sears. Introductory narration performed by Kathleen Trail.

Special Thanks

The SCIMAST staff thanks Dr. Manon Charbonneau and Cris Marie Alton for sharing their experiences with music and mathematics at the Alvord Elementary School. The staff also thanks Amanda Foradory and Ross Blair for their vocal talents.

Eisenhower SCIMAST Offices

Eisenhower SCIMAST supports mathematics and science education in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas with a combination of training, technical assistance, networking, and information resources. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's National Eisenhower Program and works in partnership with the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC), a national resource center for increasing the availability and quality of information about instructional resources for science and mathematics educators. In cooperation with SCIMAST, the Louisiana Environmental Educational Information Center (LEERIC) is a state access center for ENC.

The SCIMAST resource center, located in Austin, is open to visitors Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The center houses a multimedia collection of science and mathematics instructional materials for grades K-12. It is located at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, on the fourth floor of 211 East Seventh Street, Austin, Texas 78701. A toll-free number, 1-800-201-7435, provides callers with information and assistance concerning instructional materials for mathematics and science classrooms.

Eisenhower SCIMAST Staff

Stephen Marble
Dawn McArdle administrative secretary Veronica Mendoza administrative secretary Concepion Molina program specialist
Mary Jo Powell program associate Barbara Salyer
program associate
Lori Snider
administrative assistant
Maria Torres
program associate
© 1998 Southwest Educational Development Laboratory


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