Resources and Opportunities
Summer at the Bronx Zoo
The Bronx Zoo offers an exciting professional development program for teachers
nationwide. The zoo's award-winning interdisciplinary K-12 curriculum supports a
series of three- to five-day workshops in which teachers are introduced to life
science activities that focus on the world of wild animals.
The zoo's program provides staff development and instructional materials to
participants for a registration fee of $240.

Pablo Python Looks at Animals
Grades K-3
July 21-25, 1997
Interactive lessons about animal shapes, sizes, textures, colors and patterns
This fee includes lodging in New
York City for five days, two meals a day, a refund of 30 percent of air fare (up
to $150), and multidisciplinary curriculum materials. Graduate credit is
This program is designed to be taken home and used in the teacher's local school.
In fact, acceptance into a workshop is contingent upon several requirements,
including assurance from a school's principal that the curriculum will be
implemented during a specified semester and a commitment from the participating
teacher to conduct peer training upon returning home. Preference will be given to
teachers from the same school who apply in teams of two or three. |
Voyage from the Sun
Grades 4-9
July 24-26, 1997
Exploration of the ways energy is important in living systems
Habitat Ecology Learning Program (HELP)
Grades 4-6
August 4-8, 1997
How nature works, rain forest, wetlands
August 11-15, 1997
Deserts, grasslands, temperate forests
Wildlife Inquiry through Zoo Education (WIZE)
Grades 6-8
July 28-August 1, 1997
Module I: Diversity of lifestyles
Grades 7-12
July 28-August 1, 1997
Module II: Survival strategies
For more information call Ann Robinson, manager
of national programs at 1-800-937-5131. |
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