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Making Connections among Mathematical Concepts
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An Activity for Upper Level Students:
Making Connections among Mathematical Concepts

Too often, students are taught to solve mathematical problems in only one way - the algorithmic approach. This strategy requires students to follow a standardized procedure to reach an answer. Often, algorithms are learned by repeated "drill and practice" approaches. Drill and practice can be extremely effective for teaching short-lived procedural skills, but for real understanding to occur, students must be engaged in
a deeper exploration of what the problem means and how to resolve it. Liping Ma, in her book Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics, talks to the importance of helping students find multiple solutions to a problem: "Being able to and tending to solve a problem in more than one way, therefore, reveals the ability and the predilection to make connections between and among mathematical areas and topics" (112).

Encouraging the exploration of a wide range of approaches and examples with the same problem can help students value and use powerful problem solving strategies based on a deeper understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts. Naturally, when you try to express something, you understand it better ("Wired for Mathematics: A Conversation with Brian Butterworth," Educational Leadership, 59 (3), p. 18-19).

One problem with teaching mathematics strictly at a procedural level is that students have no framework of what the multiplication of mixed numbers really means or why it works the way it does. Taught in isolation, none of these approaches alone enables students to attain a clear picture of what it means to multiply two mixed numbers. They are forced to carry around a large set of disconnected procedures for each mathematical problem. However, when students look at many different ways to approach a mathematical problem, it is easier to make critical connections that enable them to construct and remember the "big picture."

Making Connections among Mathematical Concepts challenges students to create different ways or manipulatives to solve one problem. Then, they are encouraged to make connections between each of these manipulatives so that they develop an understanding of what it means to create and solve an algorithm. At the end of the exercise, they will have the confidence and base knowledge they need to tackle similar mathematical problems from many perspectives.

How many different ways can you find to solve a multiplication problem?

Multiple Multiplication Perspectives

For this activity, challenge teams of students to find as many solutions to a word problem as they can. One way to encourage their creativity is to look at it from different mathematical systems. Though the methods to solve the problem each depend on a different knowledge base, they all lead to the same "correct" solution.

Divide students into pairs, taking fullest advantage of the diverse abilities of the classroom. Present the word problem in a way that is situated in the local knowledge of your classroom and community that reflects 3 1-2 times 2 1-2 . Perhaps offering problems in a variety of contexts to strike chords with your diverse student population might be ideal. Have fun and be creative and flexible. Here is an example:

While your parents were away, your little sister decided to go bowling on your parents' kitchen floor, destroying the tiles in the corner section of the room. The tiles that must be replaced cover a 3 1/2 by 2 1/2 foot area. If each of the tiles is one foot by one foot, how many will you need to repair the destroyed area?

Challenge each pair to find two unique ways to solve the problem. This may take some prompting from you. Suggest that they consider the problem visually or algebraically to stimulate additional solutions. Allow the students to make arguments about which method works or does not work and why. What is equivalent? What is different?

Here are some perspectives that may come out of the group work.

Number Sense
What is multiplication? In its simplest form, multiplication is the repeated addition of equal sized groups. For example, 3 x 2 = 2 + 2 + 2.

If 3 x 2 by definition is three groups of two in each group, then 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 means three and a half groups of two and a half in each group.

This number sense method (three and a half groups of two and a half units each) can be expanded like this:

3 1/2 x 2 1/2 =
2 1/2 + 2 1/2 + 2 1/2 + 2 1/2 / 2 =
7 1/2 + 1 1/4 =

Students may have difficulty with the final term 2 1/2 / 2.

They might figure it out if it was rewritten 2/2 + 1/2 / 2, but even in this expanded form, they need to understand how to divide fractions. It could help if they think of 2/2 as 1/2 of 2, which everyone knows equals 1. They still may struggle with 1/2 of 1/2, but they should be able to comprehend that using money.

Another way to solve this is by laying out the problem geometrically, using a different approach so that division does not have to take place. (See the graphic below.)

The Geometric or Measurement Perspective Using Area

This perspective encourages the student to create a picture to help visualize the problem. In this case, the tool used to solve the problem is a rectangular grid using the idea of area and square units. Drawn to scale, the area of each rectangle reflects the size of the fraction it represents. Students can solve this without actually doing any "multiplication." Instead, they can add like terms (ones, halves, quarters), then combine them.

Picture of a rectangle divided into: 6 individual whole units; 5 one-half units;  and one half of a half unit.

1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6
+ 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 2 1/2

1/4 = 1/4
8 3/4
(six individual whole units)
(five one-half units - three vertical and two horizontal)
(one half of a half unit)

sum of the rectangular units, "unit" being a 1 x 1 square

Algebraic Perspective Using the Distributive Property

Students may be unaware that they have been using the distributive property since they started multiplying multi-digit numbers. They may need to see whole numbers such as 23 x 54, for example, decomposed and then multiplied horizontally as opposed to the vertical method more commonly used.

23 x 54 = (20 + 3) x (50 + 4)
               = (20 x 50) + (20 x 4) + (3 x 50) + (3 x 4)
               = 1000 + 80 + 150 + 12
               = 1242

Using the above example and substituting the problem's values of 3 1/2 and 2 1/2, students' work might look like this.

(3 + 1/2 ) (2 + 1/2 )
(3 x 2) + (3 x 1/2 ) + ( 1/2 x 2) + ( 1/2 x 1/2) 
= 6 + 1 1/2 + 1 + 1/4
= 8 3/4

Ask students to compare their algebraic solution with the number sense and geometrical approaches discussed earlier. There are similarities. All three perspectives partition out the problem so that addition can be used to solve the multiplication problem.

Using Decimals

Decimals are not often considered fractions, but they are. In fact, parts of wholes are more commonly represented by decimals in the real world than by fractions. Restated in decimals, the problem looks like this.

3.5 x 2.5 =

Once restated in decimal notation, the problem can be solved using any of the approaches already described. Take the distributive property, for example:

(3 + .5) (2 +.5)
(3 x 2) + (3 x .5) + (.5 x 2) + (.5 x .5)
6 + 1.5 + 1 + .25
= 8.75

Seeing the similarities between the four approaches can be powerful for helping students understand visually, conceptually, and, finally, procedurally how the multiplication of mixed numbers works.

What is taught in grade school as arithmetic is, for the most part, not ideas about numbers but automatic procedures for performing operations on numerals - procedures that give consistent and stable results. Being able to carry out such operations does not mean that you have learned meaningful content about the nature of numbers, even if you always get the right answers!

-George Lakoff and Rafael E. Nuñez,
Where Mathematics Come From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being, p. 86

The Standard Algorithm Perspective

The algorithm is the most efficient way to do the mathematics but is not the best way to understand it. The algorithm provides a process for solving the problem that relies on breaking down the problem down into easily calculated steps. Algorithms are so simple that calculators and computers rely on them heavily to solve complex problems, but they depend heavily on rote meaning of procedural rules and contribute little to students' conceptual understanding. They should be used only after the student understands the underlying mathematics that go into solving the problem.

3 1/2 x 2 1/2 =

7/2 X 5/2 = 35/4 = 8 3/4

Students change the mixed numbers to improper fractions, do the necessary multiplication, then simplify the fraction and/or convert the answer to a mixed number. The standard algorithm statement looks very close to the algebraic problem without the addition: (3 1/2 ) (2 1/2). When creating the problem from the top row (2 1/2) and the left column (3 1/2) of the geometric perspective, the standard algorithm is reflected. Of course, when the fractions in the algorithm are turned to decimals ( 1/2 = .5), the decimal problem is created.

How many children leave school with good grades in mathematics but no understanding of what they were doing? Surely a lot, judging from the large numbers of perfectly intelligent adults who cannot add fractions. If only they understood what was going on, they would never forget how to do it. Without such understanding, however, few can remember such a complicated procedure for long once the final exam has ended.

-Keith Devlin,
The Math Gene: How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers Are Like Gossip, p. 67

Making Connections

Picture of students using computers in a classroom.Solely teaching the algorithm shortchanges the development of students' understanding of how a problem works. According to Ma, "Being able to calculate in multiple ways means that one has transcended the formality of an algorithm and reached the essence of the numerical operations - the underlying mathematical ideas and principles" (112). Based on students' understanding of multiple strategies, they can make connections between the parts of the problem. During this exercise, students have used geometry, algebra, decimals, and a visual diagram to solve one multiplication problem. Challenging students to solve mathematical problems a number of ways allows them to relate underlying mathematical relationships that they will remember when using the more efficient algorithm method.

This lesson is an adaptation of a SCIMAST teacher professional development training module. Special thanks to Concepcion "Como" Molina, SCIMAST program specialist, for his assistance with this lesson.

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