A-Z List of SEDL Store Publications

Below is a list of publications from the SEDL Store, where SEDL lists the publications available for sale. There are additional publications available in the Free Publications section of the SEDL site, where SEDL lists publications it has made available free online.

There are 23 publications in the SEDL Store.

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A, C, G, H, L, M, R, S, T, W

Homework in Afterschool: An Instructor's Guide to the Afterschool Training Toolkit (2008)

The four promising practices in afterschool for homework help identified in the Afterschool Training Toolkit are as follows: Involving Day Schools, Families, and Communities; Managing and Organizing the Homework Environment; Monitoring and Communicating About Student Progress; and Tutoring, Mentoring, and Building Study Skills. When used with the Afterschool Training Toolkit, the information in this instructor’s guide will help you master these promising practices. Once you become proficient at these practices, you should be able to use them to develop an effective afterschool homework help program.

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