Looking for More Ideas? Take a Look at These Resources
There are many publications in the field on parent and community
engagement that address some of the learnings SEDL gathered from
the field including knowing the community, helping to overcoming
barriers and understanding the concerns that affect the participation
of the linguistically and culturally diverse populations in schools.
A listing of organizations is also offered for additional information
and resources.
Ballen, J., Moles, O. (1994, September). Strong families, strong
schools: Building community partnerships for learning. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Education. Online. Available: http://www.projectappleseed.org/strongfamiliesschools.pdf
A handbook for strengthening families, along with supporting
research by the U.S. Department of Education. Of special interest
are Chapter 2 that describes how schools can welcome parents and
recognize their strengths, and Chapter 3 on how to connect communities
with families and schools.
Davis, D., (2000, June). Supporting parent, family, and community
involvement in your school. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational
Laboratory. Online. Available: http://www.nwrel.org/csrdp/index.html (Site no longer available - 2009)
This guide provides ideas and suggestions taken from research on
family and community involvement in schools and can help school
staff and others design a long-term approach to garnering the positive
involvement of all concerned.
Funkhouser, J.E., Gonzalez, M.R. & Moles, O.C. (1997). Family
involvement in childrens education. An Idea Book. U.S. Department
of Education. Online. Available: http://www.ed.gov/pubs/FamInvolve/index.html
This is one of an occasional series published by the U.S. Department
of Education. An Idea Book discusses how some schools and their
communities have overcome key barriersfinding the time, increasing
their information about each other, bridging school-family partnerships.
It is based on case studies of 20 successful schools from around
the country. They include elementary and secondary schools and districtwide
programs that receive Title I money.
McGroarty, M. (1999). Partnerships with linguistic minority
communities. Arlington, VA: TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers
of Other Languages, Inc.
This paper explores how effective community partnerships can be
formed and sustained from the classroom to the school district to
community organizations and businesses. It also examines the roles
of teacher training and professional educational organizations in
developing successful partnerships.
Moles, O.C. (ed.) (1996). Reaching all families: Creating family-friendly
schools. U.S. Department of Education. Online. Available: http://www.ed.gov/pubs/ReachFam/title.html
This booklet is offered to stimulate thinking and discussion about
how schools can better involve all families, regardless of family
circumstances or student performance. It presents school outreach
strategies that are based on broad experience, which can help even
seasoned educators do a better job of making their schools family-friendly.
National Council of Jewish Women. (1996). Parents as school
partner: Research report. NCJW.
The data collected from the Parent as School Partners activities
provides information from voices in the field through
parent, teacher, and principal focus groups, including superintendents
surveys. It contains a compilation of replicable school-based programs
for enhancing parent involvement and a literature review. It considers
policies, programs, practice and research to determine the status
of current knowledge in the field of parent involvement.
U.S. Department of Education. (2000). Lets go to school
together (Vamos juntos a la escuela). Online. Available: http://www.ed.gov/about/pubs/intro/index.html
This 15-minute video offers tips for Spanish-speaking parents to
help them become involved in their childrens learning, from
infancy through adolescence. It features real-life vignettes of
Latino parents and families dealing with topics such as reading,
mathematics, and college preparation. It also comes with Spanish
language booklets and brochures.
White-Clark, R., & Decker, L.E. (1996). The hard-to-reach
parent: Old challenges, new insights. Online. Available: http://www.smallschoolsproject.org/PDFS/hard_to_reach.pdf
This publication is a must read book. It debunks many of the myths
about the assumptions and stereotypes made about the lack of involvement
of the hard-to-reach parent. It provides some basic
and common sense ideas drawn from different sources to assist in
the understanding and recruitment of parents.
Other Resources
Be sure to check out these organizations. They offer information
on school and community partnerships and issues important to linguistically
and culturally diverse populations. Some lead to other organizations,
others provide materials, and all can be accessed through web sites.
BUENO Center for Multicultural Education
University of Colorado @ Boulder
Ed. Bldg. Rm. 247
Boulder, CO 80309
Tel: 303/735-2566
Fax: 303/492-2883
Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence (CREDE)
University of California
College Eight, Room 201
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Tel: 831/459-3500
Fax: 831-459-3502
Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk
John Hopkins University
3503 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218-2498
Tel: 410/516-8800
Fax: 410/516-8890
Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA)
5835 Callaghan Road, Suite 350
San Antonio, TX 78228-1190
Tel: 210/444-1710
Fax: 210/444-1714
ERIC Database
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition(NCELA)
George Washington University
2121 K Street NW Suite 260,
Washington DC 20037
Tel: 800/321-6223
Fax: 800/531-9347
202/467-42833 (within DC area)
National Coalition for Parent Involvement In Education (NCPIE)
3929 Old Lee Highway Suite 91-A
Fairfax, VA 22030-2401
Tel: 703/359-8973
Fax: 703/359-0972
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20202-0498