Just as a teacher evaluates a students progress from year-to-year
and makes adjustments, so too must school staff evaluate the impact
of public engagement efforts. Youll want to know whether your
hard work is producing results. Be sure to involve all staff members
in this effort. This way, everyone is clear on what is working,
what is not and how to improve it.
Here are some questions to consider:
Are you meeting your goals and objectives in terms of involving
families and community members in your school?
How are parents and community members contributing to decisions
about student learning?
Are school events, workshops or training sessions well attended
by school staff and families? Why or why not?
In what ways have you integrated language and culture reflective
of your community into the school, events and curriculum?
Are interpreters readily available?
Do you have a community or parent liaison with strong ties
to the community?
Is your school warm and inviting? Is there a family center?
Taking the time to assess how people are reacting to your communications
efforts is also important. Ask parents and community members for
ways to improve communication. Respond to what they say by talking
about how you will incorporate some or all of their advice as you
refine your community engagement plan. Share these reactions with
school staff.