We would like to hear from you about your experience recruiting
parents and community members from different cultural, minority
and socioeconomic backgrounds. What do you think works well? What
would you do differently?
Please share your advice with us and we will post it on the SEDL
Web site. If we get enough responses, we may publish them in a future
booklet. Thank you for your contribution.
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Tell us a little about your experience as a community organizer.
What strategies work best to recruit minority parents and community
Please share an example of a successful recruitment strategy which
illustrates one of the seven steps in this guidebook.
Please send your comments by fax, email or mail to:
Suzanne Ashby
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
211 E. Seventh St.
Austin, TX 78701-3253
Office: 512-476-6861
Fax: 512-476-2286
E-mail: sashby@sedl.org