Many organizations generously contributed their time and insights
to this project. SEDL wishes to thank:
Tulsa, Oklahoma Interviews
Ability Resources, Inc.
Catholic Charities
Cherokee Language and Culture
Greater Tulsa Area Hispanic Affairs Commission
Hispanic Action on Education
Hispanic Ministries for Eastern Oklahoma
Mayor's Commission on Indian Affairs
Study Circle participants, facilitators and organizers
Tulsa Chinese School
Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry
Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa Urban League
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Interviews
Amos Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal
City Council
Delta Sigma Theta
Latino Development Commission Agency
Native American Services
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Oklahoma City Public Schools
Study Circle local organizer
North Little Rock, Arkansas Interviews
American Indian Center of Arkansas
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
Civic League
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
North Little Rock Public Schools
Rose City Community Center
Study Circle participants, facilitators and organizers
The print publication for this piece can be ordered from the SEDL
Also available in PDF.
This publication was written for SEDL by KSA-Plus Communications,
Arlington, VA. Print graphic design by David Timmons, Austin, TX.
Web design by Chris
Sears. The cover photo and the photos on page 3
was taken by freelance photographer Bret Brookshire, Austin, TX.
The photos on pages 6, and 8
were taken by freelance photographer Pamela Porter, Las Cruces,
NM. All other photos © PhotoDisc.
©Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2000. This
guide is produced in whole or in part with funds from the Office
of Education Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education,
under contract #RJ96006801. The content herein does not necessarily
reflect the views of the Department of Education, any other agency
of the U.S. Government or any other source.
You are welcome to reproduce Building Support for Better Schools
and may distribute copies at no cost to recipients; please credit
the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory as publisher. SEDL
is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer and is committed
to affording equal employment opportunities to all individuals in
all employment matters. Available in alternative formats.