The National Center for Quality Afterschool

Helping local practitioners and state education agencies develop high-quality and balanced programs

About the Center

Curriculum Databases

Curriculum Databases

The National Center for Quality Afterschool has collaborated with subject-matter experts to identify quality curriculum resources for afterschool in the subject areas: literacy, math, science, and technology.

                        Curriculum Choice: Literacy Resources Afterschool Curriculum Choice: Literacy Resources is an initiative of PEAR, the Program in Education, Afterschool and Resiliency at Harvard University and the National Center for Quality Afterschool. It is designed to help practitioners locate and make informed choices about high-quality literacy resources to enrich their programs. Resources were selected based on proven use in afterschool settings, and include challenging lesson plans and organized activities.
Afterschool Curriculum Choice: Mathematics Resources Afterschool Curriculum Choice: Mathematics Resources is an initiative of PEAR, the Program in Education, Afterschool and Resiliency at Harvard University and the National Center for Quality Afterschool. It is designed to help practitioners locate and make informed choices about high-quality mathematics resources to enrich their programs. Resources were selected based on proven use in afterschool settings, and include challenging lesson plans and organized activities.
Consumers Guide to Afterschool Science Resources The Science After School (SAS) Consumers Guide was developed by the Coalition for Science After School to help afterschool providers find high-quality materials to enrich their science programs. Users can read expert reviews of products including semester and year long curricula, activity kits, instructor guides consisting of many related activities, and Web sites that offer content appropriate for use in an afterschool program.

On a related note, you may be interested in visiting the Assessment Tools in Informal Science Web site.

                        Curriculum Choice: Technology Resources Afterschool Curriculum Choice: Technology Resources is an initiative of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and the National Center for Quality Afterschool. It is designed to help practitioners locate and make informed choices about high-quality technology resources to enrich their programs. Resources were selected based on proven use in afterschool settings, and include challenging lesson plans and organized activities.

Online Training for Afterschool Staff
The Afterschool Training Toolkit is available online free of charge.

The following resources can be used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit to give you the resources you need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching afterschool activities.