Auerbach, 2004 |
For engaging Latino parents—
- Start no later than upper elementary to introduce the idea of planning for college
- Speak the parents' language
- Host small group meetings of parents that have something in common rather than
all-school events; make meetings convenient and comfortable; use face-to-face or
telephone invitations rather than letters or flyers
- Invite guest speakers from similar backgrounds to share their experiences
- Reinforce basic college information often and in a variety of ways
- Address special concerns of parents, such as children's safety on campus, undocumented
status, financial aid
- Provide opportunities to meet individually with college representatives to allow privacy
and build trust
- Help parents explore the college process as a group, for mutual support
- Acknowledge barriers that Latinos face in college access, discuss strategies to overcome
Bangser, 2008 |
- Provide information on educational requirements for particular jobs—internships, lectures from the business community, career days, youth apprenticeships, job shadowing, mentoring
- CTE programs establish working relationships with private industry, economic development agencies, workforce investment boards
- State-funded early-commitment scholarship programs, partnerships with businesses and foundations, help with college and financial aid applications
- Collaborate with post-secondary institutions—visits to college campuses, shadow students, dual-credit programs
Cabrera and La Nasa, 2001 |
- Parental involvement is related to the amount of information they have regarding college, so targeting lowest-SES parents would produce highest pay-off
- Provide parents with general, concise, clear information on college costs
- Enlist college personnel to explain to parents the importance of early curriculum planning
- Establish school partnerships at the elementary level, where parental involvement can be fostered
Clark and Dorris, 2006 |
For engaging Latino parents—
- Offer parent-child activities
- Promote parents' advocacy and leadership skill development
- Establish home-school liaisons, create cultural and linguistic bridges
- Learn about and understand the neighborhoods in the community, consult with community and religious leaders and local chambers of commerce
- Provide workshops to help parents understand report cards and long-term impact of curriculum choices
- Assign teacher or counselor to interact with local parent clubs
- Foster welcoming atmosphere—create family center, post signs in Spanish, have interpreters available, follow up with parents who attend school events
- Include parents on a task force or site-based management team
Cunningham et al., 2007 |
- Enlist advocate groups to distribute materials containing college knowledge
- Target specific populations and address challenges such as limited English proficiency and access to Internet
- Enlist community government, foundations, organizations to fund outreach materials and information campaigns
- Provide support and training for teachers and guidance counselors to distribute college knowledge
- Enlist colleges to provide information on steps necessary for college admission and choices that must be made
- Focus early intervention plans on college planning and bring parents into the process
- Secure funding from government, private sector, colleges, other stakeholders for support programs
- Reach out to parents concerning courses necessary for college and offer college planning workshops before students begin the application process
Dounay, 2006 |
- Ensure that parents and students are aware of college entrance requirements, including entrance examinations, applications
- Assist parents and students in setting goals and evaluating them annually; develop a learning plan or individual graduation plan
- Notify parents annually whether their child is on track for graduation
- Provide information to parents on financial aid eligibility, how to apply for aid
McDonough, 2004 |
- Increase the quality and quantity of information available to parents on college entrance and financial aid
- Encourage and provide counseling for parents to help develop and maintain student aspirations, academic preparation, and college enrollment
- Build close partnerships with colleges
Pathways to College Network, 2004 |
- Provide a variety of high-quality tools to aid underserved students and their families with college preparation
- Involve leaders at all levels in creating policies, programs, and practices to help students in post-secondary transition
- Make parents and families aware of their part in preparing students for college
- Provide guidance to parents in supporting their child's school achievement, college aspirations, and post-secondary success
Patrikakou, 2004 |
- Prepare teachers for parent involvement—benefits of it, key areas they can affect
- Let parents know that they have a strong influence on their child's post-secondary success
- Encourage parents to keep lines of communication with child open and show that education is important
- Increase parental awareness of school policies and curriculum—print communications, parent mentoring programs, family resource centers, Web site, brown bag meetings, teacher-parent meetings
- Inform parents of positive news, to get them more involved and responsive to outreach
Rowan-Kenyon et al., 2008 |
- Provide information to parents in the home language
- Alternative approaches for working parents—lunchtime workshops, "engage parents where they are and when they are available," meetings on weekends, college-going program at local church, online information
- Parents' guidance advisory committee to develop college-related activities, at least one program per grade level each year
- Ensure that college recruitment materials are available to all students
- Increase availability of early information on financial aid
- Increase parents' knowledge of full range of post-secondary options
Wimberly & Noeth, 2004 |
- Increase access to resources, training, and information families need to help their child succeed
- Maintain regular, two-way communication between families and schools
- Welcome families as full partners in school activities and decision making
- Provide access to a wide range of tools to engage families in children's learning
- Schedule meetings, workshops, conferences at times that are convenient for parents
- Provide training to school staff
- Translate information into parents' home language
- Provide child care
- Form partnerships with local community groups, nonprofit organizations, businesses, government, and religious groups
- Encourage parents to talk with children about future goals and what is needed to reach those goals and to attend college and career expositions with their children
- Implement programs to help parents explain college requirements and costs, discuss the importance of personal growth, and raise awareness of the decision-making process to attain goals
- Use a variety of formats to explain assessment information to parents and students and show how it relates to future goals
- Encourage parents to meet and communicate with teachers and counselors early in their child's education career
- Districts should develop and implement a plan for involving parents
Wimberly & Noeth, 2005 |
- Begin college readiness in middle school
- Explain to students and parents the effect of a challenging curriculum on their future educational, career, and income options
- Use multiple sources of information, including standardized assessments, to inform students and their parents of progress toward college readiness
- Work with families to calculate college costs and form a plan to cover these costs