Previous Work — October 2005 to September 2012
These resources were published under a previous SECC contract; therefore, information contained therein may have changed and is not updated.
The Southeast Comprehensive Center (SECC) is pleased to provide podcasts from events that are designed to help states build their capacity to implement the goals and requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. During 2008–2009, state education agency staff and other stakeholders participated in several regional events on key topics such as funding models for Response to Intervention, instructional needs of English language learners, and models and frameworks for turning around low-performing schools. To access an audio file from an event, click the presenter’s name (see Podcasts section on right). SECC 2009 Response to Intervention (RtI) Regional Summit on Funding Models (February 25–26, 2009) Updates from the National Center on Response to InterventionDarren Woodruff, PhD, co-director, National Center on RtI, American Institutes for Research, discusses the center’s Web site and resources, its technical review committees, work group activities, and technical assistance levels of support. Darren Woodruff on YouTube Pennsylvania RtI Funding Model—Lessons Learned: Successful Strategies and ChallengesJoy Eichelberger, EdD, RtI state lead and director of intervention services, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, Pennsylvania Department of Education, discusses the department’s focus on ensuring leadership responsibility, aligning their standards and system, and viewing RtI as an “all-education” school reform strategy. Joy Eichelberger on YouTube Oregon RtI Funding Model—Lessons Learned: Successful Strategies and ChallengesMs. Erin Lolich, MS, associate director of student services–RtI, Tigard-Tualatin School District, Oregon Department of Education, discusses the department’s process for RtI implementation, the demographics of its student population and those participating in special programs, long- and short-term funding sources, prioritization of key strategies, and potential pitfalls. Erin Lolich on YouTube Iowa RtI Funding Model—Lessons Learned: Successful Strategies and ChallengesDr. William Tilly III, director of innovation and accountability, Heartland Area Education Agency 11, Iowa Department of Education, discusses how funding models impact instruction; a schoolwide system for student success; and the importance of using data to make decisions, funding student learning needs, and focusing on outcomes. William David Tilly III on YouTube SECC 2008 ESL Institute—Jazzin’ It Up: A Medley of Notes for Creating a Culture That Supports English Language Learners (November 5–7, 2008)Emerging ELL Communities: Key Considerations for State Education AgenciesKristina Anstrom, EdD, assistant director, The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education, discusses key considerations at the school, district, and state level, including student characteristics and needs, curriculum and instruction, and educator capacity. Kristina Anstrom on YouTube Teaching Academic Language to ELLsMabel Rivera, PhD, deputy director, Center on Instruction/Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics, discusses demographics of ELLs, factors that influence their preparedness, learning challenges, performance outcomes, as well as academic language issues. Mabel Rivera on YouTube A Framework for Developing High-Quality English Language Proficiency Standards and AssessmentsEdynn Sato, PhD, director, WestEd Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center, discusses the framework for creating high-quality English language proficiency (ELP) standards and assessments. The purpose of the framework is to assist states with interpretation and implementation of Title III requirements for ELP standards and assessments. Edynn Sato On YouTube Academic Language Across Grade Levels and Content AreasRobin Scarcella, PhD, director of the ESL program, University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute, discusses the challenges associated with academic language as well as ways to ensure that all students learn academic language. Robin Scarcella on YouTube
SECC 2008 Annual Regional Forum—The Turnaround Schools' Journey: Insights, Initiatives, and Implications (May 21-23, 2008)When Bold Steps Are Needed: What Does It Really Take to Turn Around Schools?William Guenther, president, Mass Insight Education & Research Institute Inc., discusses issues facing low-performing schools and the steps required to improve academic performance. SECC Annual Regional Forum Closing AddressPaul Vallas, superintendent, Recovery School District, New Orleans, discusses challenges faced by the district and efforts undertaken to transform its low-performing schools.
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