SEDL merged with the American Institutes for Research (AIR)
in 2015. This archived website contains the work of SEDL legacy
projects and rich resources from the past 50 years.

Southeast Comprehensive CenterSECC Comprehensive Center


Previous Work October 2005 to September 2019

These resources were published under a previous SECC contract; therefore, information contained therein may have changed and is not updated.

About the Briefing Papers

SECC briefing papers are prepared to provide information to the departments of education of the states served by SEDL’s comprehensive centers. The briefing papers address topics that are related to the requirements and implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). SECC staff collect information regarding research and practices related to these topics and summarize that information so that educators can use it to support their work at the state, district, and school level to meet student needs more effectively.

Each briefing paper also includes an extensive list of references to guide readers to additional resources on the topic of the paper.

Although the Briefing Papers are no longer active, archives are still available on this page.

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