Sustainability and Guidance to Districts and School Boards
SECC is providing technical assistance to SCDE in developing a system of support for local school board members. This assistance will include the development of training and resources for newly elected school board members, understanding what is expected by law concerning the training of newly elected school board members, and leveraging resources to facilitate collaboration with the South Carolina School Boards Association.
This project is in the following state: South Carolina.
Previous Work Updates
In September, SECC continued to provide TA to the SCDE on the development of a leadership program for school board meetings. SECC is also providing assistance to the SCDE on revising the MOA (memorandum of agreement) for Priority and SIG schools to include mandatory school board training in the areas of leadership and student achievement.
SECC staff presented a report on the Information Request recently completed by SECC and on work at the state’s Transformation Conference to deputy superintendent Charmeka Bosket. SECC staff is providing technical assistance to Patrice Green on the development of an outline for a leadership course for local school boards. During August, SECC staff also participated in a meeting with Constance Barnes and Patrice Green on developing training modules for charter school board members.
SECC staff planned and conducted a training session with Patrice Green of the SCDE for local SC school board members during the Office of School Transformation Conference in Charleston, SC. The SCDE has also asked for SECC assistance with development of a leadership institute for local school board members. SECC staff also reviewed the SCDE local school board training videos and is preparing written feedback for the department. Finally, SECC staff is working with Ms. Green to prepare a report and presentation to senior SCDE staff on the Information Request, Working Collaboratively with State School Board Associations, recently completed by SECC staff.
SECC staff continued technical assistance with the SCDE through the provision of several planning sessions with Patrice Green, SCDE Education Associate, to discuss leadership training and development of local school board members. The pilot group for this model will be School Improvement Grant (SIG) Schools and Palmetto Priority Schools. An Information Request was provided on “Working Collaboratively with State School Board Associations”, an initial meeting was scheduled with the South Carolina State School Boards Association and the SCDE, and planning began with the SCDE and other providers on a training session/presentation for local school board members of Palmetto Priority Schools, which will be held at the Office of School Transformation Conference in July. In addition, SECC staff will facilitate a collaboration session with Ms. Green, the Office of Teacher Effectiveness, and the Office of School Transformation to share resources and to coordinate training efforts.
SECC staff held a planning meeting with Charmeka Bosket, Deputy Superintendent of Policy and Research, who requested that we move forward with the local school board sustainability project by contacting Patrice Green, SCDE Education Associate. SECC staff members contacted Ms. Green to discuss beginning next steps in the local school board work. Ms. Green informed staff members that the SCDE was in the process of completing online training modules for the orientation of new school board members. During that time, Ms. Green also requested research on supporting local school boards. A follow-up technical assistance session was scheduled for June.