Chuck Benigno

Chuck Benigno currently serves as Superintendent for the Laurel School District in Laurel, Mississippi. Prior to this position, Dr. Benigno was the Vice President for Students at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. He has also served as principal of West Jones Middle School, and principal of North Forrest High School in Hattiesburg.

Dr. Benigno earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern Mississippi. He has been named in "Who's Who Among American Teachers", has been chosen Coach of the Year and Administrator of the Year, and was a participant in the "Project Zero Classroom" at Harvard University. During his tenure at Laurel, the school district has moved from At-Risk of Failing to Successful as rated by the Mississippi Department of Education.

Chuck was recently named the 2014 Mississippi “Superintendent of the Year” and has served as a motivational speaker for schools and corporations across Mississippi. He is also the author of Teaching: Excellence or Survival?