Resources and Opportunities
Learner Profile
Sunburst educational software company offers assessment software that
can be loaded on the Apple Newton or used with a bar code scanner to
provide a mobile data collection tool. The software allows the user to
create descriptions of desired student learning on the computer, then
transfer the data to the hand-held device. After the data are collected
(at the end of the day, at the end of the week), transfer the
observations back to the computer for analysis, grouping, and report
generation. A 1.4 MB disk for Macintosh or Windows is priced at $99.
Call Sunburst at 1-800-321-7511.
A Personal Digital Assistant
The Newton MessagePad, made by
Apple Computer, is an electronic device
that converts written notes into typed documents, which can then (with
an additional connection kit) be transferred to a Macintosh computer or
a PC that uses Windows software. Load these hand-held devices with
appropriate software and student assessment profiles can be designed to
fit your specifications. This gadget serves as an electronic clipboard
that lets the user gather, organize, and interpret data more efficiently
than with paper-and-pencil records. For further information about the
educator's advantage price, call Apple at 1-800-959-2775. The Newtons
cost around $500 with the educator's advantage.
A hefty volume of 392 pages, Eco-Inquiry provides three ecology modules
for upper elementary or middle grades. The four-to-seven week modules
examine food webs, decomposition, and nutrient cycling and include
suggestions for hands- on investigations, discussions, games, writing
assignments, and presentations. Assessment is encouraged throughout the
modules with ideas for journal topics, collection of portfolio
materials, suggestions for written and performance activities, and
student self-evaluations. Eco-Inquiry by Kathleen Hogan. Dubuque, Iowa:
Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company. 1994. $36.95
Mars Modules
The TERC corporation (formerly Technical Education Research Center),
located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, continues to develop exciting
products and programs for mathematics and science educators. In
anticipation of upcoming orbiter and lander missions, TERC, in
collaboration with NASA, is developing hands-on, discovery- oriented
investigations focusing on the planet Mars. Developers are looking for
middle-school teachers to field test pilot materials during the
1996-1997 school year. Units currently available are Planetary
Exploration, Volcanoes, and Valley Formation. The activities enable
students to confront preconceptions, refine questions for investigation,
construct meaning from images and data, develop hypotheses, collect
evidence in support of hypotheses, and synthesize understanding. The
modules vary in length from two to three weeks and include materials for
teachers and students as well as assessment tools. The pilot activities
have no technology requirements. For more information, call
(617)-547-0430 or e-mail Chris Randall (chris_randall@terc.edu).
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