& Sky
may have heard the Earth & Sky programs on your radio: 2-minute
interludes that focus on earth science and astronomy. The brief
commentaries, aired over public and commercial stations, often provide
an unexpected and welcome glimpse of the natural world in the midst
of Top Forty music and dateline news. Earth & Sky sponsors a "Young
Producers" contest that encourages students, grades 1Ð12, to produce
their own 2-minute radio spots. Students research a question, write
a script, and submit it on audiotape. The winning programs are played
on Earth & Sky, which is broadcast all over the world via the Armed
Forces Radio Network, as well as more than 500 stations in the US.
The deadline for submission is May 15, 1995.
further information contact:
Byrd & Block Communications
PO Box 2203
Austin, Texas 78768