models can enhance the effective use of cooperative learning groups.
They are only a few of many such models and teachers will quickly
see ways to adapt them or develop new models that match the unique
requirements of an individual class.
the Jigsaw model the student becomes a member of both a learning
group and a research team. After determining the learning group's
goal, the members join research teams to learn about a particular
piece of the learning puzzle. Each puzzle piece must be solved to
form a complete picture. Research can take many forms. The teacher
may want to prepare "expert sheets" that outline readings and questions
to obtain the information needed. Or the students can use their
own strategies to glean information through library research, interviewing
experts, or experimentation. Upon completion of the expert teams'
work, the members return to their original learning groups and share
the results. Class discussion, a question-and-answer session, or
a graphic or dramatic production will allow the groups to share
their findings with the class at large. (Originally presented by
Aronson and colleagues, 1978.)
model, Group Investigation, is more student-directed in its
approach. After the teacher presents an introduction to the unit,
the students discuss what they have learned and outline possible
topics for further examination. From this list of student-generated
topics, each learning group chooses one and determines subtopics
for each group member or team. Each student or group of students
is responsible for researching his or her individual piece and preparing
a brief report to bring back to the group. The group then designs
a presentation (discourage a strict lecture format) and shares its
findings with the entire class. Allow time for discussion at the
end of the presentation. A class evaluation for each presentation
can be an effective way of providing feedback to the groups. (Sharan
& Shachar, 1988)
are numerous simple models that enhance questioning, discussion,
and class presentations by structuring the activity in a cooperative
format. Numbered Heads Together is a way of reviewing information
that has been previously presented through direct instruction or
text. This model works well with unambiguous questions that allow
students to easily come to consensus. Divide the students into groups
of 4 and have them number off from 1 to 4. After the teacher asks
the question, the groups huddle to determine the answer. The teacher
calls a number and the students with that number raise their hands
to respond. After the students respond, the teacher can have the
others agree or disagree with a thumbs up or thumbs down. (Andrini,
encourage responses from all students, try Think-Pair-Share.
Students pair with a partner to share their responses to a question.
Students are then invited to share their responses with the whole
class. There are a variety of ways to share, including Stand Up
and Share-everyone stands up and as each student responds he or
she sits down. Anyone with a similar response also sits down. Continue
until everyone is seated. Or do a "quick whip" through the class
in which students respond quickly one right after another. (Andrini,