Teachers as Professionals
That the teacher is critical to school improvement
is apparent in the report released in 1996 by the National Commission
on Teaching and America's Future, What Matters Most: Teaching
for America's Future. The report states, "What teachers know
and can do makes the crucial difference in what children learn."
The Commission offered five key recommendations: raise student and
teacher standards; reinvent teacher preparation and professional
development; revitalize teacher recruitment; reward teacher knowledge
and skill; and reorganize schools to maximize student and teacher
success (Hirsch, Koppich, & Knapp, 1999). The Commission appears
to be considering teaching as a profession that needs higher status
for its members.
Where teachers are viewed as professionals, there
is an emphasis on providing them with high-quality preparation and
professional learning opportunities and on creating schools that
function as professional learning communities and support teachers'
success. Teachers' work used to be described as technical work,
with the expectation that teachers would be successful if they mastered
a prescribed set of skills and techniques. This view is fading as
researchers carefully examine teacher education programs. Those
that focus on methods courses and a short period of student teaching
"failed to incorporate new understandings from research on teaching
and learning and took little cognizance of emerging research-based
conceptions of teaching as a many-faceted, intellectually-demanding
enterprise" (Koppich & Knapp, 1998, p. 17).
Research is providing fuel for the development of
a better infrastructure for the profession of teaching. Studies
have shown the importance of attending to the beliefs of prospective
teachers about schooling and teaching; linking subject matter knowledge
and pedagogical knowledge; and providing extended, well-mentored
field experiences (Koppich & Knapp, 1998). These authors also noted
that creating a true profession of teaching requires the development
and implementation of high standards for entry into practice. Some
states and professional organizations have been active in creating
these teaching standards. Elmore (1996) has elaborated on this idea,
calling for strong external normative structures for practice. These
structures include, but are not limited to, standards of practice
such as those developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM) or the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
These external norms are important, "because [they] institutionalize
the idea that professionals are responsible for looking outward
at challenging conceptions of practice, in addition to looking inward
at their values and competencies" (Elmore, p. 19).
States are beginning to use these findings to think
about what teachers should know and be able to do. Some have upgraded
certification and licensure policies in order to exert influence
over colleges and universities to improve their teacher preparation
programs and, thus, the quality of new teachers. Some states have
increased salaries, restructured salary schedules, and changed recruitment
strategies in order to attract and reward good teachers. Some have
introduced induction programs, provided new guidelines and support
for professional development, and provided support for local efforts
to improve the workplace (Hirsch, Koppich, & Knapp, 1999). Although
these are policy responses, they tend to increase the professional
standing of teachers by changing teacher preparation institutions
and the incentives and conditions of their work and careers as professional
teachers (Koppich & Knapp, 1998).
Lieberman & Miller (2000) described the new professional
teacher: "As researchers, meaning-makers, scholars, and inventors,
they establish a firm professional identity as they model the lifelong
learning they hope to infuse in their students" (p. 52). As this
picture becomes more common, we can expect teachers to think of
and experience teaching more as a profession than as a job.
Teachers, Collaboration, and Collegiality
Reform efforts emphasize collaboration between teachers,
between students, and between teachers and students. Members of
the school community are better supported to change practice when
they are not isolated or in competition with each other. Many books,
journal articles, and research reports promote the value of collegiality,
collaborative teams, and professional learning communities. The
idea is that teachers' relationships with other adults in the school
can have profound consequences for both the teachers themselves
and for their students. On a related issue, there is also an increased
call for school people to develop collaborative relationships with
parents and other community members, and many reform evaluation
plans look for evidence of this effort.
It is important to highlight some of the kinds of
things researchers are saying about collegiality and professional
learning communities. Hord (1997) defined a professional learning
community as a school in which the administrators and teachers continuously
seek and share learning to increase their effectiveness for students,
and act on what they learn. Based on her research and review of
the literature, Hord characterized these communities has having
shared and supportive leadership; shared values and vision; collective
learning and application of learning; supportive conditions; and
shared personal practice. Many significant outcomes for both staff
and students have been seen when a school is organized in this way
McLaughlin and Talbert (1993) found that teachers'
professional orientation is a function of their social and professional
relationships with other teachers. They said,
The relationships between students, teachers, and subject matter
are the stuff of schooling. The way in which this stuff plays
out in particular classrooms or school environments depends most
of all÷on the character of the up-close professional community
to which teachers belong (p. 98).
The isolation that most teachers experience can be
devastating. When teachers are members of supportive communities,
they can receive support, learn from each other, and gain confidence
to try new things. Community is more than collegial interaction,
however, it is collegial interaction about teaching and learning
that is grounded in the specifics of the classroom.
Newmann and Wehlage (1995) said that creating a professional
community that has a positive impact on teaching and learning is
more than simply making structural changes. It is "a daunting task,
but well worth the effort. We found that students in schools with
higher levels of professional community learn more÷[However] The
critical human norms and skills cannot be mechanically engineered
by implementing new organizational structures" (p. 51-2). DuFour
and Eaker (1998) noted that "virtually all contemporary school reformers
call for increased opportunities for teacher collaboration" (p.
117). However, the tradition of teacher isolation is so entrenched
in schools that fostering a collaborative environment represents
a significant challenge. DuFour and Eaker suggested that four critical
prerequisites must be addressed: time for collaboration must be
built into the school day; purpose of collaboration must be made
explicit; training and support must be provided; and educators must
accept their responsibility to work together as true professional
Darling-Hammond and Ball (nd) state that the best
way to improve both teaching practice and teacher learning is to
create the capacity for better learning about teaching as part of
teaching. In their analysis of state reforms, they found that some
states have enacted policy to restructure professional development
around teacher collaboration and inquiry by providing funding to
support teacher study groups, networks, teacher research, teacher-directed
professional development, teacher collaboration with universities,
and teacher academies.