Resource Description
This resource addresses the topic: Communication.
Message Matters: Succeeding at the Crossroads of Mission and Market
(New) |
Rebecca K. Leet |
The technology of today allows us to provide information quickly, but we still need to deliver content that will resonate with our audience if we are to be successful. Although this book is aimed at medium- to large-sized organizations, it is still applicable to all. The author emphasizes the strategic message and provides a five-step method for producing one. A case study is also included, as well as appendixes on organizational needs assessment and organizational readiness assessment.
(150 pages) |
© 2007
Print | $26.95 |  |
Fieldstone Alliance
60 Plato Blvd. E, Ste. 150
St. Paul, MN 55107 Phone: 800-274-6024 Web: http://www.fieldstonealliance.org |
Prices of resources listed in this guide were accurate as of July 2008. Please contact the publisher for current availability and pricing.