Kinship Care Resource Kit for Community and Faith-Based Organizations: Helping Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children
(New) |
Children's Defense Fund |
Kinship care families often face difficulties and challenges due to lack of support or resources. Many of them are older individuals. They may have health problems of their own or may be living on limited incomes. This resource may help local organizations make a difference. It provides information on starting a support group, setting up a respite care program, and providing parenting education programs for kinship caregivers. Other sections address such issues as cash assistance, child care and early education, child welfare and foster care, housing, juvenile justice, legal options, and more. Important phone numbers and Web sites are listed throughout the guide to help readers locate further information on any topic.
(84 pages) |
No Date
ChildrenÃïs Defense Fund
25 E St. NW
Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 800-233-1200 E-mail: cdinfo@childrensdefense.org Web: http://www.childrensdefense.org |
Prices of resources listed in this guide were accurate as of July 2008. Please contact the publisher for current availability and pricing.