In this synthesis we examined the recent literature in the field
of family and community connections with schools. This review provides
a broad picture of research findings and emerging issues or themes,
and makes a strong case for the need for further research in the
A general knowledge of the research is no longer enough for those
who lead school, family, and community connection initiatives to
be credible and to lead successfully. It is hoped that this synthesis
will provide these leaders a quick, comprehensive reference they
may use in several waysto build the case for an initiative,
to support an ongoing initiative, to secure funds for implementation
of an initiative, to maintain a successful initiative, or to discontinue
the implementation of an ineffective school-family-community initiative.
The themes distilled from the broad array of literature reviewed
also point to the need for more coherent and organized discussion
about these issues among leaders and researchers around the country.
It is hoped that this review may provide a baseline of knowledge
for these discussions.
It is clear that family, school, and community connections can
benefit children and youth from before the time they enter Kindergarten
until after they have left our schools. Our charge as a field is
to come together to address the issues highlighted in this documentto
clarify the concept and outcomes of family and community connections
with schools and to improve the quantity and quality of the research
base available. In so doing, we will better understand these connections
and create the knowledge needed to realize the potential of family,
school, and community connections for student learning and students
lives. |