Archive of the Webinar 6:
Ensuring School Readiness Through Successful Transitions (April 14, 2011)
Webinar Contents

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Resources and Links
Research-based Practice
Rapid Response—Early Childhood Curricula and Programs for PreK Students
This resource, developed by the Southeast Comprehensive Center at SEDL, provides a list of research-based practices that program designers can use to support skill development in reading and math as children transition from home to preschool, kindergarten, and into the early grades.
Readiness: School, Family, and Community Connections
SEDL's synthesis of over 48 research studies explores children's abilities as they transition from home to preschool and kindergarten, factors associated with these abilities, implications of these factors on children's later success, and the effectiveness of a variety of early childhood or preschool interventions that include a family- or community-focus.
Developing Early Literacy, Report of the National Early Literacy Panel
This report summarizes the scientific evidence of early literacy development and of home and family influences that support a child's transition into kindergarten and the early grades. It is designed to help inform education leaders' and policymakers' decisions that support children's transitions into school.
Resource Guide for Early Childhood Transitions
This annotated bibliography lists resources that focus on early childhood transitions and school readiness, including family engagement and home–school and program–school partnerships. Because the Head Start program is one of the most frequently studied early childhood initiatives, many resources focus on the transition from Head Start to preschool and kindergarten.
Guidance on Implementation
Ongoing Child Assessment and Family Engagement: New Opportunities to Engage Families in Children's Learning and Development
This paper by the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement explores using child assessment data as a tool for family engagement in early childhood education. It is the first in a series that will help early childhood care and education programs identify ways that they can share information to strengthen partnerships and work toward common goals.
Tools for Expanding Effective Early Childhood Education: A Companion to Five State Case Studies
This toolkit was designed as a companion document to a study on effective early childhood programs, published by the Council of Chief State School Officers. The author uses findings from the report to describe effective practices and strategies for preparing young children for academic success.
Early Steps to School Success
Early Steps to School Success (ESSS) is Save the Children's language development and pre-literacy program. ESSS works to equip parents with the skills and knowledge to successfully support their child's growth from pregnancy until the child enters kindergarten. Learn more about the program, including a curriculum overview, evaluation report, and model design, on Save the Children's website.
FirstSchool Briefs
This series of briefs, developed by the Frank Porter Graham (FPG) Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina, provides information on key topics related to children's transitions from home to preschool, kindergarten, and into the early grades. For each topic, there is a printable brief as well as a short video.
Effective Practice
Parents' Guides to Student Success
National PTA created a set of grade-specific tools to help parents understand what their children will be learning in English language arts and in mathematics, based on the Common Core State Standards that more than 40 states have adopted. The Parents' Guide to Student Success were created for each grade, from kindergarten through high school, and help set expectations for what students should learn once the standards are implemented. The guides for kindergarten through third grade can help facilitate successful transitions from early childhood programs to elementary school. All of the guides are available in both English and Spanish.
Book Review: Inviting Families into the Classrooms: Learning from a Life in Teaching
This book provides readers with insights into family engagement from the perspective of someone with 31 years of experience teaching kindergarten, first, and second grade in Philadelphia public schools. While Inviting Families into the Classrooms discusses parent–teacher relationships more broadly, this review explores its valuable lessons on building relationships with families whose children are transitioning into elementary school.
Trans-K in LA and Fresno
This video, posted by New America Media, provides an overview of a new early childhood program in the Los Angeles Unified and Fresno School Districts (CA). The program is intended to help young children transition into public school prepared for academic success. The video includes a description of program benefits, information about parents' concerns about the needs of their young children, and a description of this program's impact on students' transitions to public school.
Early Learning Parenting Videos
Developed by the Illinois Early Learning Project, these videos and accompanying explanations provide real-life examples of home-based adult–child interactions that foster learning and help young children prepare for the transition from home to school.
Transition to School
This guidance resource provides detailed explanations and practical advice for parents on what to expect and what to do as young children transition into school.
Webinar Partners
- U.S. Department of Education - United Way Worldwide - National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - SEDL - Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP)