Archive of the Webinar 5:
Building Strategic Partnerships to Foster Community Engagement in Education (February 9, 2011)
Webinar Contents

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Resources and Links
Research and Best Practices, Community Engagement
Chicago Promise: A Policy Report on Reinventing the Harlem Children’s Zone (2009)
This policy report from the Chicago Policy Research Team provides detailed information on Promise Neighborhoods, a results-driven initiative to combat urban poverty in areas of Harlem with high rates of families in economic distress. This program incorporates a wide range of strategies to meet the needs of both students and families.
Selected findings from Education Renewal Zones: Increasing Partnerships and Sharing Resources for School Improvement (2006)
This paper summarizes findings related to strategic community engagement from a 2‐year evaluation of Arkansas’ Education Renewal Zones (ERZs), conducted by SEDL. The processes and collaborative efforts implemented by the ERZs have general application to establishing community engagement with schools.
Partnerships for Learning: Profiles of Three School–Community Partnership Efforts
These three site-based profiles created by Harvard Family Research Project provide a snapshot of school–community partnerships in action and illustrate how diverse programs and models effectively build and sustain partnerships for learning. Each profile highlights certain aspects of how the partnerships have been applied in the day-to-day lives of schools and community-based programs.
Community Partnerships to Support High School Success
The Family Engagement for High School Success initiative, funded by AT&T, is part of United Way Worldwide’s national strategy to significantly reduce the nation’s high school dropout rate by 2018. This report from Harvard Family Research Project profiles how eight participating United Way chapters created action plans by engaging families, schools, and communities in the planning process.
Research and Best Practices, Out-of-School Time (OST)
Partnerships for Learning: Promising Practices in Integrating School and Out-of-School Time Program Supports (2010)
This report, created by Harvard Family Research Project, helps school and OST program leaders, decision-makers, and funders, to understand and implement effective OST–school partnerships for learning.
Engaging Older Youth: Program and City-level Strategies to Support Sustained Participation in Out-of-School Time
This report from Harvard Family Research Project examines programs with high participation and retention rates to identify the characteristics found to be the most successful in retaining older youth. Programs in the study are part of citywide OST initiatives. The report details the influence of these initiatives on programs and identifies the types of city-level services that are likely to support participation.
Guidance on Implementation, Community Outreach
Community School Transformation: A Guide for Schools, Districts, Parents, and Community Members (2009)
Developed by the Federation of Community Schools, this guide for families and community members provides a framework that describes effective and proven structures for using a community school transformation model for improving academic outcomes for students.
Building a Community School (2001)
The Children’s Aid Society developed this guide to help educators and noneducators build family–school–community partnerships.
Planning a Promise Neighborhood (2010)
The Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink funded this planning tool to provide specific guidance and suggestions for creating neighborhood-based programs based on the Harlem Children’s Zone model. The tool helps to create a framework that ensures that every child is academically successful by engaging all stakeholders in supporting student learning.
Implementation Guide: The Ohio Community Collaboration Model for School Improvement (2004)
The Ohio Department of Education developed this guide to provide explanations and detailed guidance on using the Ohio Community Collaboration Model for School Improvement. The guide provides direction for expanding school improvement beyond school walls so that all stakeholders share responsibility for ensuring that every child receives a quality education.
- Chapter 3, Collaboration and Collaborative Leadership
This chapter provides guidance and suggestions for building highly collaborative systems. - Chapter 9, Community Partnerships
This chapter provides insight and suggestions for moving beyond the traditional definition of parent involvement to family–school–community partnerships.
Guidance on Implementation, School Administrators
Connecting Schools, Families and Community
This Web site describes specific concepts and actions that are essential for promoting family and community engagement in professional development programs for school administrators.
Guidance on Implementation, Out-of-School Time
Partnerships for Learning: Resource Guide to Building School–OST Program Partnerships
This annotated bibliography from Harvard Family Research Project provides information on evaluations, reports, and case studies of school–OST program partnerships.
Principles of Effective Partnerships (2004) and Checklist
Developed by National Collaboration for Youth, this handout describes partnership principles that will position schools and community-based organizations to create successful partnerships that support afterschool programs.
The Children’s Aid Society designed this checklist to supplement Principles of Effective Partnerships and provide a clearer picture of the principles in action in a wider range of situations.
Webinar Partners
- U.S. Department of Education - United Way Worldwide - National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - SEDL - Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP)