Archive of the Webinar 3:
Data Driven: Making Student and School Data Accessible and Meaningful to Families (August 10, 2010)
Webinar Contents

- Presentation Slides (PDF format)
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Resources and Links
Perspectives and Lessons Learned- Five Design Principles for Smarter Data Systems (Education Sector Op-ed)
- Five Big Ideas for Data Rigor... Without Mortis (Harvard Family Research Project commentary)
- When Parents Assess Schools (Harvard Family Research Project article)
- Learning from Families (Harvard Family Research Project article)
- Aris Parent Link (The New York City Department of Education's Achievement Reporting and Innovation System)
- New Visions for Public Schools (New Visions' website)
- Good to Go! (New Visions' college and career readiness campaign)
- New Visions for Public Schools: Using Data to Engage Families (Harvard Family Research Project case study)
- Parent School Partnership Program (Nevada State PIRC resource)
- "Project Eagle," page 15 of Taking Leadership, Innovating Change: Profiles in Family, School, and Community Engagement (National Family, School, and Community Engagement Working Group snapshot)
- "Cooking with Data" to Target Education Gaps (Harvard Family Research Project article)
- 10 State Actions to Ensure Effective Data Use, specifically Actions 6 and 10 (The Data Quality Campaign report)
- Parent and Community Data Guide (The Education Trust tool)
Webinar Partners
- U.S. Department of Education - United Way Worldwide - National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - SEDL - Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP)