Archive of the Webinar 4:
The Teacher-Parent Relationship: Using Professional Development to Improve Family and Community Engagement (November 18, 2010)
Webinar Contents

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Resources and Links
Pre-Service Resources for Building Capacity- Preparing Teachers for Parental Involvement: Current Practices and Possibilities Across the Nation (An article by D. Hiatt-Michael)
- Parent-Teacher Partnerships: A Theoretical Approach for Teachers (An article by C. R. Keys)
- The Peabody Family Involvement Initiative: Preparing Preservice Teachers for Family/School Collaboration (An article by L. Katz and J.P. Bauch)
- Understanding Family Involvement in the Preparation of Graduate Students: Measuring Family-Centered Beliefs, Skills, Systems and Practices (An article from Harvard Family Research Project)
- The Evaluation Exchange: Professional Development (A periodical from Harvard Family Research Project)
- Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets for Principals, Teachers, and Parents, in English and Spanish (A tool from Harvard Family Research Project)
- Kansas Family Community Involvement Guide to Student Achievement Engaging Families in Student Learning (A toolkit developed by the Kansas State PIRC)
- Parent and Family Involvement: A Guide to Effective Parent, Family, and Community Involvement in North Carolina Schools (From the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction)
- Family Engagement in Education: Seven Principles for Success (Report from the National Resource Center on Charter School Finance & Governance)
- The School-Family Connection: Looking at the Larger Picture—A Review of Current Literature (Syntheses from SEDL)
- Evaluating Teacher Quality: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness (A guide from the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality)
- Parent Teacher Education Connection modules
- PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships
- Family Engagement Teaching Cases (A resource from Harvard Family Research Project)
Webinar Partners
- U.S. Department of Education - United Way Worldwide - National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - SEDL - Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP)